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Changes in plant vegetation structure and diversity with distance from herder shelters in the Middle Atlas Mountains
African Journal of Range & Forage Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-26 , DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2021.1965026
A El Aich 1 , S Ghassan 1 , CL Alados 2 , S El Aayadi 1 , L Baamal 1

Livestock grazing intensity gradients associated with sheep holder shelters influenced the longevity of rangelands vegetation. This study aimed to examine the effects of livestock grazing pressure on vegetation structure and diversity with distance from herder shelters. Six shelters were sampled. From each herder shelter, a grazing gradient was set aligned to the contour lines. Along each grazing gradient, we surveyed seven 100-m transects between 10 and 800 m from the herder shelter. The standing crop biomass (dry matter = DM) along the gradient from the shelters, bare soil, cover of vegetation functional groups and plant species diversity were determined using the point intercept method along each transect. Bare soil cover increased as we approached herder shelter. The total standing crop biomass (DM) (in g DM m−2) increased with the distance from the shelter. Shrub biomass decreased when approaching shelters, as so did the percentage of shrub cover. Cover of perennial forbs and grass also increased with distance from shelter, whereas annual cover increased as we approached the shelter. Species richness and diversity increased when moving away from the shelter. Changes in vegetation structure were not linear. Strong changes were detectable within the first 200 m, whereas little responses were found behind this threshold. The 200 m threshold should be used to monitor the main keystone species that preserved these rangelands.



与羊舍相关的牲畜放牧强度梯度影响牧场植被的寿命。本研究旨在研究牲畜放牧压力对植被结构和多样性的影响以及距牧民避难所的距离。对六个庇护所进行了抽样。从每个牧民避难所,都设置了与等高线对齐的放牧梯度。沿着每个放牧梯度,我们测量了距牧民避难所 10 至 800 m 之间的 7 个 100 米横断面。使用沿每条样线的点截距法确定沿遮蔽物、裸土、植被功能群覆盖和植物物种多样性的梯度的常备作物生物量(干物质= DM)。当我们接近牧民避难所时,裸露的土壤覆盖率增加。农作物总生物量 (DM)(单位为 g DM m −2)随着距庇护所的距离而增加。当接近避难所时,灌木生物量减少,灌木覆盖百分比也减少。多年生草本植物和草的覆盖度也随着距避难所的距离而增加,而年度覆盖度则随着我们接近避难所而增加。当离开庇护所时,物种丰富度和多样性增加。植被结构的变化不是线性的。在前 200 m 内可以检测到强烈的变化,而在此阈值之后几乎没有发现任何反应。200 m 阈值应用于监测保护这些牧场的主要关键物种。
