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Lifelong non-invasive genetic monitoring of a philopatric female wolf in the Tuscan Apennines, Italy
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-021-01548-5
Francesco Lugli 1, 2 , Marco Apollonio 2 , Massimo Scandura 2 , Romolo Caniglia 3 , Elena Fabbri 3 , Nadia Mucci 3 , Luca Mattioli 4 , Marco Mencucci 5 , Nadia Cappai 6

Wolves (Canis lupus), like most wild carnivores, are elusive and usually live at low density; this makes it challenging to monitor specific individuals through time. Non-invasive genetic sampling, when protracted over a long period and a sufficiently large geographic scale, has revealed an effective tool to follow individual patterns in a population.

During a long-term project focused on the monitoring of presence and distribution of wolf packs in the Tuscan Apennines in Italy, we have followed the destiny of a single female wolf (F82) exclusively by the analysis of microsatellite multilocus genotypes obtained from non-invasive samples (n = 118 including scats, hair and blood residuals) collected from 2003 to 2014. From the natal pack, she dispersed to a neighboring area where she established a new territory together with an unrelated male. The pair persisted for 8 years, mating at least twice and occupying a territory of a minimum size of 60–80 km2.

In December 2014, the carcass of F82 was found victim of a car accident. Her estimated age at death was at least 11 years (the time elapsed between the first and last samplings).

This record represents one of the very few instances of free-ranging wild wolves monitored for such a long period in Europe and her lifespan represents the longest ever recorded in the old continent.



狼(Canis lupus)和大多数野生食肉动物一样,难以捉摸,通常生活在低密度;这使得随时间监控特定个人变得具有挑战性。非侵入性基因采样在长期和足够大的地理范围内进行时,已经揭示了一种跟踪种群中个体模式的有效工具。

在一个专注于监测意大利托斯卡纳亚平宁山脉狼群存在和分布的长期项目中,我们通过分析从非侵入性方法获得的微卫星多位点基因型,追踪了一只雌性狼 (F82) 的命运。 从 2003 年到 2014 年收集的样本(n = 118,包括粪便、头发和血液残留物)。她从出生包中分散到邻近地区,在那里她与一个无关的男性一起建立了一个新领土。这对夫妇坚​​持了 8 年,交配了至少两次并占据了最小面积为 60-80 公里2的领土。

2014 年 12 月,F82 的尸体被发现是车祸的受害者。她的估计死亡年龄至少为 11 岁(第一次和最后一次采样之间的时间)。

