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Collective redress and workers’ rights in Slovenia
European Labour Law Journal ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-25 , DOI: 10.1177/20319525211056618
Barbara Kresal 1

In 2017, the Collective Actions Act introduced a new type of lawsuit – the collective action – into the Slovenian legal order. A collective action can be lodged in cases of instances of so-called ‘mass harm’, including mass violations of workers’ rights. This could improve the effectiveness of enforcement of workers’ rights in practice. Instead of a number of individual labour disputes concerning the same or similar violations of workers’ rights, a collective action can be lodged by trade unions or other representative collective actors in this field. Both opt-in and opt-out approaches are possible and the decision on this is left to the discretion of the court. Despite many positive aspects, only one collective action in the area of labour rights has been lodged to date. In this contribution I analyse legal regulation of the existing collective redress mechanism and possible reasons for deficiencies discerned in its functioning in practice.



2017 年,《集体诉讼法》将一种新型诉讼——集体诉讼——引入斯洛文尼亚法律秩序。如果发生所谓的“大规模伤害”,包括大规模侵犯工人权利,则可以提起集体诉讼。这可以提高在实践中执行工人权利的有效性。工会或该领域其他具有代表性的集体行为者可以提起集体诉讼,而不是针对相同或类似侵犯工人权利的一系列个人劳动争议。选择加入和选择退出两种方法都是可能的,对此的决定由法院自行决定。尽管有许多积极的方面,但迄今为止仅在劳工权利领域提出了一项集体行动。
