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Local procurement, shared value, and sustainable development: A case study from the mining sector in Mongolia
Business Strategy & Development ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-23 , DOI: 10.1002/bsd2.193
Jocelyn Fraser 1 , Zorig Bat‐Erdene 1 , Jon Lyons 2 , Nadja Kunz 1

In emerging economies, tension can arise between the pursuits of economic development to alleviate poverty versus the protection of cultural traditions. In Mongolia, for example, efforts to expand the economy through the development of mineral resources have raised understudied questions about how to accommodate the economic benefits of mining without compromising traditional ways of life. In this case study, we consider the complex and cascading challenges confronting mining, traditional livelihoods, and sustainable development. Semi-structured interviews with 62 participants over a 3-year period were used to investigate the role the corporate strategy of local procurement to create shared value could have in reducing tensions in a remote region where mineral exploration and mine development is underway. The findings provide insight to the barriers and opportunities for company-initiated local procurement practices that contribute to locally led sustainability initiatives and community resilience in emerging economies.



在新兴经济体中,追求经济发展以减轻贫困与保护文化传统之间可能会出现紧张关系。例如,在蒙古,通过开发矿产资源来扩大经济的努力引发了一​​些未被充分研究的问题,即如何在不损害传统生活方式的情况下兼顾采矿的经济效益。在本案例研究中,我们考虑了采矿、传统生计和可持续发展所面临的复杂的级联挑战。在 3 年期间对 62 名参与者进行了半结构化访谈,以调查当地采购的企业战略以创造共享价值在缓解矿产勘探和矿山开发正在进行的偏远地区的紧张局势方面可能发挥的作用。