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Annual flower strips and honeybee hive supplementation differently affect arthropod guilds and ecosystem services in a mass-flowering crop
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107754
Chloé A. Raderschall 1 , Ola Lundin 1 , Sandra A.M. Lindström 2 , Riccardo Bommarco 1

Intensively managed agricultural landscapes have degraded the provisioning of diverse and continuous forage and shelter habitats for arthropods and weakened the delivery of ecosystem services such as insect crop pollination and biological pest control. In response, farmers are incentivised to sow flower strips along field margins to counteract resource bottlenecks. Yet, it is poorly understood how effective this diversification practice is when combined with the supplementation of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) hives, which is commonly used to boost insect pollination in flowering crops. Honeybees share floral resources with wild pollinators and natural enemies of pests, which could lead to competition for food resources. We sampled pollinators, natural enemies and their pests as well as estimated the benefit of insect pollination in 17 organic faba bean (Vicia faba minor L.) fields in southern Sweden either with or without sown annual flower strips and with or without added honeybee hives. In fields with flower strips, bumblebee (Bombus spp.) densities were redistributed from field edges to interiors but without affecting their overall densities. Flower strips enhanced silver Y moth (Autographa gamma L.) densities and carabid beetle Shannon diversity along the field edge, and overall spider activity density. The supplementation of honeybee hives enhanced honeybee densities, overall ladybird beetle densities, black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) densities along field edges, but deterred silver Y moths and pushed bumblebees towards the field interior. Bean mass per plant was higher in insect pollinated plants compared with bagged, self-pollinated plants. This insect pollination benefit was independent of honeybee hive supplementation and the flower strip treatment suggesting that faba bean fields were not deficient in pollinator visits. We conclude that flower strips did not provide sufficient floral resources to increase overall wild pollinator densities in faba bean fields. Yet, annual flower strips attracted and facilitated ground-dwelling predators, especially spiders, to faba bean fields, likely by providing beneficial shelter habitats. It is worth noting that 2018, in which we collected our data, was characterised by late frosts in spring followed by an unusually hot and dry summer. While these unforeseen weather conditions together with a relatively small sample size might limit the generalisation of our results, we argue that conducting experiments under such conditions provide insights into the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes under climate change, especially considering that such weather conditions are becoming increasingly more frequent.



集约化管理的农业景观降低了为节肢动物提供的多样化和连续的草料和庇护所的供应,并削弱了昆虫作物授粉和生物害虫防治等生态系统服务的提供。作为回应,鼓励农民沿着田地边缘播种花条,以抵消资源瓶颈。然而,人们对这种多样化做法与补充蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)相结合的有效性知之甚少。L.) 荨麻疹,通常用于促进开花作物的昆虫授粉。蜜蜂与野生传粉者和害虫的天敌共享花卉资源,这可能导致对食物资源的竞争。我们对授粉媒介、天敌及其害虫进行了采样,并在瑞典南部的17 个有机蚕豆 ( Vicia faba minor L.) 田地中评估了昆虫授粉的好处,无论是否播种一年生花条,以及添加或不添加蜜蜂蜂箱。在有花带的田地中,大黄蜂 ( Bombus spp.) 的密度从田地边缘重新分布到内部,但不影响它们的整体密度。花条增强型银Y蛾(Autographa gamma L. 密度和甲虫香农多样性沿着田地边缘,以及总体蜘蛛活动密度。蜜蜂蜂箱的补充提高了蜜蜂密度、瓢虫总体密度、黑豆蚜(Aphis fabaeScop.) 沿田地边缘的密度,但阻止了银 Y 飞蛾并将大黄蜂推向田地内部。与袋装自花授粉植物相比,昆虫授粉植物的每株豆质量更高。这种昆虫授粉的好处与蜜蜂蜂巢的补充和花条处理无关,这表明蚕豆田在传粉媒介访问方面并不缺乏。我们得出的结论是,花带没有提供足够的花卉资源来增加蚕豆田的整体野生传粉密度。然而,一年生花带吸引并促进了地栖捕食者,尤其是蜘蛛,进入蚕豆田,这可能是通过提供有益的庇护栖息地。值得注意的是,在我们收集数据的 2018 年,其特点是春季晚霜冻,随后是异常炎热干燥的夏季。虽然这些不可预见的天气条件以及相对较小的样本量可能会限制我们结果的概括,但我们认为在这种条件下进行实验可以深入了解气候变化下农业环境计划的有效性,特别是考虑到这种天气条件正在成为越来越频繁。
