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Agricultural landscape certification as a market-driven tool to reward the provisioning of cultural ecosystem services
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107286
M. Borrello 1 , L. Cecchini 2 , R. Vecchio 1 , F. Caracciolo 1 , L. Cembalo 1 , B. Torquati 2

Traditional agricultural landscapes provide cultural ecosystem services to human communities. However, the limited profitability of these landscapes often discourages farmers from preserving them. The current research evaluates: (i) whether the market would reward farmers providing a cultural ecosystem service, through an increased willingness to pay (WTP), for a food product with a traditional agricultural landscape certification; and (ii) what happens to the WTP when a food product reports multiple certifications, including the traditional agricultural landscape one. A convenience sample of Italian extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) buyers was involved in a non-hypothetical random nth price auction to determine the WTP for 250 ml EVOO bottles carrying different certification bundles. These bundles were composed of different combinations of three certifications: Organic, Protected Designation of Origin, and a traditional agricultural landscape certification associated with the preservation of terraced olive groves. The findings indicate that the traditional agricultural landscape certification receives a premium price both when EVOO carries it individually or combined with other labels. In the latter case, results show sub-additivity of premium prices. The current research proves that traditional agricultural landscapes are not necessarily bound to market failure; however, costs faced by farmers to maintain them can be rewarded through the market.



传统农业景观为人类社区提供文化生态系统服务。然而,这些景观的盈利能力有限,常常阻碍农民保护它们。目前的研究评估:(i) 市场是否会奖励农民提供文化生态系统服务,通过增加支付意愿 (WTP),购买具有传统农业景观认证的食品;(ii) 当一种食品报告多项认证(包括传统农业领域的认证)时,WTP 会发生什么变化。意大利特级初榨橄榄油 (EVOO) 买家的便利样本参与了非假设的随机n250 毫升 EVOO 瓶携带不同认证包的 WTP 价格拍卖。这些捆绑包由三种认证的不同组合组成:有机认证、受保护的原产地名称以及与梯田橄榄树保护相关的传统农业景观认证。调查结果表明,当 EVOO 单独携带或与其他标签结合使用时,传统的农业景观认证都会获得溢价。在后一种情况下,结果显示溢价的次可加性。目前的研究证明,传统的农业景观并不一定会出现市场失灵;然而,农民维持它们所面临的成本可以通过市场获得回报。
