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Challenges for recovery of large carnivores in humanized countries: attitudes and knowledge of sheep farmers towards brown bear in Western Pyrenees, Spain
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-021-01545-8
Juan Herrero 1 , Ramón Reiné 1 , Alicia García-Serrano 2 , Vicente Ferrer 3 , Ricardo Azón 4 , José Vicente López-Bao 5 , Guillermo Palomero 6

During 2017, we studied knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes towards brown bears by extensive mountain sheep farmers in the Western Pyrenees, using a structured questionnaire, specifically, whether the scarce bear presence, or the administrative region, was influential. Livestock raising practices are mainly family properties and have suffered a strong decline in the last decades. Despite its low abundance (only 2 bear individuals during the study period in the area), there was a generalized negative attitude towards the presence of bears. Farmers considered bear presence as incompatible with sheep mountain herding. One third of them have experienced bear damages, although this was not the main difficulty for the viability of farming practices. They were able to change husbandry practices after wildlife and dog’s damages, increasing vigilance, hiring shepherds, and using livestock guarding dogs, whose work is perceived as satisfactory. Farmers considered that information available about bear and compensation systems for damages was insufficient, and should be improved.



2017 年,我们使用结构化问卷调查了西比利牛斯山脉广大山羊农民对棕熊的知识、看法和态度,特别是稀有熊的存在或行政区域是否具有影响力。畜牧业主要是家庭财产,在过去几十年中大幅下降。尽管其数量较少(在该地区的研究期间只有 2 只熊),但人们普遍对熊的存在持否定态度。农民认为熊的存在与绵羊山区放牧不相容。其中三分之一遭受过熊害,尽管这并不是养殖方式可行性的主要困难。在野生动物和狗受到伤害后,他们能够改变畜牧业做法,提高警惕,雇用牧羊人,并使用牲畜护卫犬,其工作被认为是令人满意的。农民认为有关熊和损害赔偿制度的可用信息不足,应加以改进。
