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Fighting stigma-based bullying in primary school children: An experimental intervention using vicarious intergroup contact and social norms
Social Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-21 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12574
Veronica Margherita Cocco 1 , Elisa Bisagno 2 , Emilio Paolo Visintin 3 , Alessia Cadamuro 2 , Gian Antonio Di Bernardo 2 , Elena Trifiletti 4 , Luisa Molinari 1 , Loris Vezzali 2

In this theory-driven experimental field intervention, we used vicarious intergroup contact, a popular prejudice-reduction strategy, to fight stigma-based bullying. We focused on the role of peer norms, manipulated by asking participants to work individually or collectively in reinforcing activities following vicarious contact (operationalized as story reading). Participants were 346 Italian 4th-5th grade primary school children (48% females). Participants were allocated to a 2 (Target: outgroup vs. ingroup vicarious contact) × 2 (reinforcing activities: collective vs. individual) experimental design. Results revealed that outgroup (vs. ingroup) vicarious contact was indirectly associated with greater intentions to react to name-calling and socially exclusionary behavior (two common forms of bullying) toward foreign children, only when participants collectively negotiated responses to reinforcing activities.



在这个理论驱动的实验现场干预中,我们使用了替代性的群体间接触,一种流行的减少偏见的策略,来对抗基于耻辱的欺凌行为。我们关注同伴规范的作用,通过要求参与者单独或集体工作来加强替代接触后的活动(操作为故事阅读)。参与者是 346 意大利 4 th -5 th小学儿童(48% 为女性)。参与者被分配到 2(目标:外群与内群替代接触)×2(强化活动:集体与个人)实验设计。结果显示,仅当参与者集体协商对强化活动的反应时,外群体(与内群体)替代接触与更大的意图对针对外国儿童的辱骂和社会排斥行为(两种常见的欺凌形式)做出反应的意愿间接相关。