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Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on surgical procedures for retinal detachment in France: a national database study
British Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2021-319531
Florian Baudin 1, 2 , Eric Benzenine 3 , Anne-Sophie Mariet 3, 4 , Inès Ben Ghezala 1, 2 , Vincent Daien 5, 6 , Pierre-Henry Gabrielle 1, 7 , Catherine Quantin 3, 4 , Catherine P Creuzot-Garcher 7, 8

Background/aims The COVID-19 crisis and the decisions made regarding population lockdown may have changed patient care. We aimed to investigate the incidence rate of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) cases during the COVID-19 lockdown period. Methods In this nationwide database study, we identified hospital and clinic admissions of French residents for a first episode of RRD in France from 2017 to the lockdown period in 2020. The monthly hospital incidence rates of RRD procedures per 100 000 inhabitants before, during and after lockdown were computed for the whole country. Finally, we assessed the influence of viral incidence on the RRD incidence rate, comparing two regions with highly contrasting viral penetration. Results From January to July, the average monthly national hospital incidence rate of RRD decreased from a mean of 2.59/100 000 inhabitants during 2017–2019 to 1.57/100 000 inhabitants in 2020. Compared with 2019, during the 8-week lockdown period in 2020, a 41.6% decrease in the number of RRD procedures was observed (p < 0.001) with the weekly incidence of RRD decreasing from 0.63/100 000 inhabitants in 2019 to 0.36/100 000 inhabitants. During the 4-month post-lockdown period, no increased activity related to postponed procedures was observed. No difference was found in the rate of RRD surgery when comparing two regions with highly contrasting viral incidence. Conclusion Containment may have been responsible for a decrease in the number of surgical procedures for RRD, without any compensating post-lockdown activity in France. These results might help increase awareness of the management of RRD emergencies. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplemental information. Aggregate data extracted from health insurance databases are only accessible to authorised personnel. The number of retinal detachments per month in France is available in table 1.


COVID-19 封锁对法国视网膜脱离手术的影响:一项国家数据库研究

背景/目标 COVID-19 危机和有关人口封锁的决定可能改变了患者护理。我们的目的是调查 COVID-19 封锁期间孔源性视网膜脱离 (RRD) 病例的发生率。方法 在这项全国性数据库研究中,我们确定了 2017 年至 2020 年封锁期间法国居民因首次 RRD 住院和就诊的情况。在封锁之前、期间和之后,每 10 万名居民每月接受 RRD 手术的住院发生率封锁是针对全国范围计算的。最后,我们比较了病毒渗透率差异很大的两个地区,评估了病毒发病率对 RRD 发病率的影响。结果 1月至7月,全国医院RRD月均发病率从2017-2019年平均2.59/10万居民下降至2020年1.57/10万居民。与2019年相比,8周封城期间, 2020 年,RRD 手术数量减少了 41.6%(p < 0.001),RRD 的每周发病率从 2019 年的 0.63/10 万居民下降到 0.36/10 万居民。在封锁后的 4 个月期间,没有观察到与推迟手术相关的活动增加。当比较病毒发病率差异较大的两个地区时,未发现 RRD 手术率存在差异。结论 遏制可能是 RRD 手术数量减少的原因,但法国在封锁后没有任何补偿活动。这些结果可能有助于提高对 RRD 紧急情况管理的认识。与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。从健康保险数据库中提取的汇总数据只有授权人员才能访问。法国每月视网膜脱离的数量见表 1。