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Analysis of optical fiber performance at extreme temperature in low earth orbit
Optik ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.168344
Fu Xijun 1 , Zhou Yuege 2 , Ning Tigang 1

The change of low earth orbit temperature (−150 °C −150 °C) has a great influence on the normal operation of communication equipment in space station. In order to make the communication equipment in space station operate normally, it is necessary to explore the high and low temperature resistance of optical fiber. In this paper, the loss of optical fiber at extremely low and high temperatures is analyzed by controlling the constant temperature through the temperature control experiment box. The result shows that the loss of optical fiber at low temperature is significantly higher than that at high temperature. After the temperature changes from low temperature to high temperature, the transmission loss of optical fiber decreases. This paper provides a basis for the application of optical fiber in extremely low and high temperature environments.



