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Hidden Phylogenomic Signal Helps Elucidate Arsenurine Silkmoth Phylogeny and the Evolution of Body Size and Wing Shape Trade-Offs
Systematic Biology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syab090
Chris A Hamilton 1, 2 , Nathalie Winiger 1, 3 , Juliette J Rubin 1 , Jesse Breinholt 1, 4 , Rodolphe Rougerie 5 , Ian J Kitching 6 , Jesse R Barber 7 , Akito Y Kawahara 1

One of the key objectives in biological research is understanding how evolutionary processes have produced Earth’s diversity. A critical step toward revealing these processes is an investigation of evolutionary tradeoffs—that is, the opposing pressures of multiple selective forces. For millennia, nocturnal moths have had to balance successful flight, as they search for mates or host plants, with evading bat predators. However, the potential for evolutionary trade-offs between wing shape and body size are poorly understood. In this study, we used phylogenomics and geometric morphometrics to examine the evolution of wing shape in the wild silkmoth subfamily Arsenurinae (Saturniidae) and evaluate potential evolutionary relationships between body size and wing shape. The phylogeny was inferred based on 782 loci from target capture data of 42 arsenurine species representing all 10 recognized genera. After detecting in our data one of the most vexing problems in phylogenetic inference—a region of a tree that possesses short branches and no “support” for relationships (i.e., a polytomy), we looked for hidden phylogenomic signal (i.e., inspecting differing phylogenetic inferences, alternative support values, quartets, and phylogenetic networks) to better illuminate the most probable generic relationships within the subfamily. We found there are putative evolutionary trade-offs between wing shape, body size, and the interaction of fore- and hindwing (HW) shape. Namely, body size tends to decrease with increasing HW length but increases as forewing (FW) shape becomes more complex. Additionally, the type of HW (i.e., tail or no tail) a lineage possesses has a significant effect on the complexity of FW shape. We outline possible selective forces driving the complex HW shapes that make Arsenurinae, and silkmoths as a whole, so charismatic. [Anchored hybrid enrichment; Arsenurinae; geometric morphometrics; Lepidoptera; phylogenomics; Saturniidae.]



生物学研究的主要目标之一是了解进化过程如何产生地球的多样性。揭示这些过程的关键一步是对进化权衡的研究——即多种选择力量的相反压力。几千年来,夜行性飞蛾在寻找配偶或寄主植物时,必须在成功飞行与躲避蝙蝠捕食者之间取得平衡。然而,人们对机翼形状和体型之间的进化权衡潜力知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们使用系统基因组学和几何形态学来检查野生蚕蛾亚科(土星科)翅膀形状的演变,并评估体型和翅膀形状之间的潜在进化关系。系统发育是基于从代表所有 10 个公认属的 42 个亚砷尿物种的目标捕获数据中的 782 个基因座推断的。在我们的数据中检测到系统发育推断中最令人头疼的问题之一——具有短分支且没有“支持”关系的树区域(即多分枝)后,我们寻找隐藏的系统发育信号(即检查不同的系统发育推论、替代支持值、四重奏和系统发育网络)以更好地阐明亚科内最可能的类属关系。我们发现在机翼形状、体型以及前后翼 (HW) 形状的相互作用之间存在推定的进化权衡。即,身体尺寸倾向于随着 HW 长度的增加而减小,但随着前翅 (FW) 形状变得更加复杂而增加。此外,硬件的类型(即,tail or no tail) 一个谱系拥有对 FW 形状的复杂性有显着影响。我们概述了驱动复杂 HW 形状的可能选择力,这些形状使毒蛾科和蚕蛾作为一个整体如此具有魅力。[锚定混合富集;毒蕈科; 几何形态测量学;鳞翅目; 系统基因组学;土星科。]