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Yes, Denmark Is a More Educationally Mobile Society than the United States: Rejoinder to Kristian Karlson
Sociological Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-17 , DOI: 10.15195/v8.a18
Stefan Andrade , Jens-Peter Thomsen

In this rejoinder to Kristian Bernt Karlson (KBK), we maintain that there are substantial differences in intergenerational educational mobility between Denmark and the United States. In fact, when we include additional parental information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) for the United States, as suggested by KBK, the gap between Denmark and the United States increases. To confirm our findings, we show that the same conclusion about markedly higher educational mobility in Denmark holds when data from the General Social Survey are substituted for the NLSY97.



在对克里斯蒂安·伯恩特·卡尔森 (KBK) 的反驳中,我们认为丹麦和美国之间的代际教育流动存在重大差异。事实上,当我们将 1997 年全国青年纵向调查 (NLSY97) 中针对美国的额外父母信息纳入其中时,正如 KBK 所建议的那样,丹麦和美国之间的差距会扩大。为了证实我们的发现,我们表明,当来自综合社会调查的数据替代 NLSY97 时,关于丹麦明显更高的教育流动性的相同结论成立。