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Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the diet of two commonly exploited batoids (Chilean eagle ray and Pacific guitarfish) off Peru: evidence of trophic plasticity
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01157-w
Adriana Gonzalez-Pestana 1, 2 , Eduardo Segura-Cobeña 1, 3 , Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto 1, 2 , Jefffey C. Mangel 1, 4 , Pepe Espinoza 2, 5 , Victor Moscoso 2 , Lorena Silva-Garay 6 , Javier Quiñones 7 , Luis Mayaute 8 , Massiel Manrique 8 , Vélez-Zuazo Ximena 9

This study provides information about the diet across geographic areas and throughout ontogeny and sex of two coastal and commercial batoid species in Peru (Chilean eagle ray Myliobatis chilensis and Pacific guitarfish Pseudobatos planiceps). Data was collected in the central coast (13°30′S to 14°30′S; Pisco district, Lima) and in the northern coast (13°12′S to 13°49′S; San Jose district, Lambayeque) off Peru during the second semester of the years 2015 and 2016 (i.e., winter and spring) in an El Niño event. A total of 357 stomach contents were analyzed in northern and central Peru with different oceanographic and ecological conditions. In the central coast, M. chilensis showed a high trophic position (tertiary consumer) due to its high consumption of Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), while P. planiceps had a lower trophic position (secondary consumer) and a less specialized diet of benthic invertebrates (i.e., crustaceans and mollusks) and pelagic fish (e.g., E. ringens). In the northern coast, both species preyed mainly upon benthic invertebrates and to a lesser degree on fish; therefore, their trophic position was lower. Dietary variation was influenced by species, geographic location, and ontogeny. The diet variability between geographic locations shows insights of these batoids’ trophic plasticity and opportunistic feeding behavior in response to differences in the local prey availability, an effect that may be amplified during the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The spatial variation in this species diet may indicate that they play different ecological roles in distinct environments. This study contributes to the scarce literature about batoids’ ecology in the southeast Pacific Ocean and presents novel information on habitat-specific diet composition.



这项研究提供了有关秘鲁两种沿海和商业蝙蝠种类(智利鹰鳐Myliobatis chilensis和太平洋吉他鱼Pseudobatos planiceps)的跨地理区域以及整个个体发育和性别的饮食信息。在中央海岸(13°30'S 到 14°30'S;利马皮斯科区)和北部海岸(13°12'S 到 13°49'S;圣何塞区,兰巴耶克)收集数据秘鲁在 2015 年和 2016 年第二学期(即冬季和春季)发生厄尔尼诺现象。在秘鲁北部和中部的不同海洋和生态条件下,共分析了 357 个胃内容物。在中部海岸,M. chilensis由于秘鲁鳀 ( Engraulis ringens ) 的高消费量,P. planiceps具有较低的营养位置(二级消费者)和底栖无脊椎动物(即甲壳类和软体动物)的特殊饮食,因此显示出较高的营养位置(三级消费者)和中上层鱼类(例如,E. ringens)。在北部海岸,这两个物种主要捕食底栖无脊椎动物,对鱼类的捕食程度较低。因此,它们的营养位置较低。饮食变异受物种、地理位置和个体发育的影响。地理位置之间的饮食差异显示了这些蝙蝠的营养可塑性和机会主义进食行为的洞察力,以响应当地猎物可用性的差异,这种影响可能在厄尔尼诺-南方涛动 (ENSO) 期间被放大。这种物种饮食的空间变化可能表明它们在不同的环境中扮演着不同的生态角色。这项研究有助于补充有关东南太平洋蝙蝠类生态学的稀缺文献,并提供有关栖息地特定饮食成分的新信息。
