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Identifying managerial legacies within conservation corridors using remote sensing and grasshoppers as bioindicators
Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2496
K Jurie Theron 1 , James S Pryke 1 , Michael J Samways 1

Biodiversity conservation under global change requires effective management of key biodiversity areas, even areas not under formal protection. Natural grassland conservation corridors between plantation forests are such areas, as they improve landscape connectivity, mitigate the impact of landscape fragmentation, and conserve biodiversity. However, empirical evidence is required to identify the extent to which past management actions promote effectiveness of conservation corridors into the future. We address this issue using grasshoppers, which are well-established indicators of habitat quality. In particular, we assess grasshopper response within corridors to historic grassland photosynthetic activity using a 25-yr normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series. We then use vegetation characteristics measured in the field to understand the potential mechanisms driving grasshopper response. Furthermore, we explore the efficacy of satellite remote sensing for monitoring grasshopper habitat using additive models. We found that grasshopper evenness responded positively to deviation in NDVI within a 3-yr period, whereas assemblage composition responded positively over a shorter time of two years. Grasshopper richness and evenness responded strongly to the local vegetation height and bare ground, whereas grasshopper assemblage composition also responded to plant species richness. We found a major negative impact of the invasive alien bramble (Rubus cuneifolius) on large-sized grasshoppers and species of conservation concern. Overall, the results illustrate the importance of maintaining primary high-quality habitat for maintaining grasshopper diversity, alongside removal of invasive bramble. We recommend prescribed burning to maintain high-quality habitat heterogeneity, with sites burned within three years. Furthermore, high-resolution satellite imagery is effective for monitoring grasshopper richness and assemblage composition response to changes in vegetation within the corridors. Grassland conservation corridors do conserve biodiversity, although effective management and monitoring needs to be in place to ensure biodiversity resembles that of neighbouring protected areas.



全球变化下的生物多样性保护需要对关键的生物多样性区域进行有效管理,即使是未受到正式保护的区域。人工林之间的天然草地保护走廊就是这样的区域,因为它们改善了景观连通性,减轻了景观破碎化的影响,并保护了生物多样性。然而,需要经验证据来确定过去的管理行动在多大程度上促进了未来保护走廊的有效性。我们使用蚱蜢来解决这个问题,蚱蜢是栖息地质量的公认指标。特别是,我们使用 25 年归一化植被指数 (NDVI) 时间序列评估走廊内蚱蜢对历史草地光合活动的反应。然后,我们使用实地测量的植被特征来了解驱动蚱蜢反应的潜在机制。此外,我们探讨了卫星遥感在使用加法模型监测蚱蜢栖息地方面的功效。我们发现蚱蜢均匀度在 3 年内对 NDVI 偏差有正向反应,而组合组成在较短的两年内有正向反应。蚱蜢丰富度和均匀度对当地植被高度和裸地有强烈反应,而蚱蜢组合组成也对植物物种丰富度有反应。我们发现了侵入性外星荆棘的主要负面影响(我们使用加法模型探索卫星遥感监测蚱蜢栖息地的功效。我们发现蚱蜢均匀度在 3 年内对 NDVI 偏差有正向反应,而组合组成在较短的两年内有正向反应。蚱蜢丰富度和均匀度对当地植被高度和裸地有强烈反应,而蚱蜢组合组成也对植物物种丰富度有反应。我们发现了侵入性外星荆棘的主要负面影响(我们使用加法模型探索卫星遥感监测蚱蜢栖息地的功效。我们发现蚱蜢均匀度在 3 年内对 NDVI 偏差有正向反应,而组合组成在较短的两年内有正向反应。蚱蜢丰富度和均匀度对当地植被高度和裸地有强烈反应,而蚱蜢组合组成也对植物物种丰富度有反应。我们发现了侵入性外星荆棘的主要负面影响(而蚱蜢组合组成也对植物物种丰富度有反应。我们发现了侵入性外星荆棘的主要负面影响(而蚱蜢组合组成也对植物物种丰富度有反应。我们发现了侵入性外星荆棘的主要负面影响(Rubus cuneifolius ) 对大型蚱蜢和受保护物种的关注。总体而言,结果说明了维持主要高质量栖息地对于维持蚱蜢多样性以及去除侵入性荆棘的重要性。我们建议进行规定的焚烧以保持高质量的栖息地异质性,并在三年内焚烧场地。此外,高分辨率卫星图像可有效监测蚱蜢丰富度和群落组成对走廊内植被变化的反应。草原保护走廊确实保护了生物多样性,但需要进行有效的管理和监测以确保生物多样性类似于邻近保护区的生物多样性。