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Therapeutic dilemma and clinical issues in management of the button battery ingestion: a case report and literature review
Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-11 , DOI: 10.1186/s43054-021-00084-w
Olsi Agolli 1 , Arjola Agolli 1 , Namrata Hange 1, 2 , Kuchalambal Agadi 1

The incidence of button battery ingestion in children less than 6 years, from year 1985 to 2019 was 59,000 and it is still a clinical challenge for pediatricians. Objects which are commonly ingested are large amounts of food, coins, toy parts, jewels, batteries, sharp materials and non-metallic sharp objects. It is an increased incidence of mortality and morbidity due to button battery ingestion, compared to accidental ingestion of other objects, due to its small size, and because of its potent source of energy. A literature search was carried out to evaluate the challenges in diagnosing, treatment, and follow-up of button battery ingested cases in children. A total of 36 original articles were included for the review. Conclusions: Button batteries can quickly cause severe damage to the mucosal lining of the GI tract. Esophageal button batteries require emergency removal because they can cause serious complications leading to hemorrhage, and death. In children, where the button battery has passed the esophagus watchful management should be made. In the majority of cases, the button batteries with a diameter less than 2 cm lodged in the stomach will pass spontaneously with no complications. However, asymptomatic children may be followed up with X-rays to assess progression up to 10–14 days after ingestion. Endoscopic or surgical removal may be required to prevent intestinal perforation with peritonitis. Symptomatic children will always need a consultation with a pediatric surgeon for surgery no matter where the button battery is placed in the GI tract. Developing countries shall adopt surveillance and reporting systems for BBI ingestion and related complications and it is recommended as essential to have management protocols in place for button batteries ingestion.



从1985年到2019年,6岁以下儿童误食纽扣电池的发生率为5.9万,对儿科医生来说仍然是一个临床挑战。通常摄入的物体是大量食物、硬币、玩具零件、珠宝、电池、尖锐材料和非金属尖锐物体。与意外摄入其他物体相比,由于纽扣电池体积小,并且由于其强大的能量来源,摄入纽扣电池导致的死亡率和发病率增加。进行了文献检索以评估儿童摄入纽扣电池病例的诊断、治疗和随访中的挑战。共有36篇原创文章被纳入审查。结论:纽扣电池会迅速对胃肠道粘膜造成严重损害。食管纽扣电池需要紧急取出,因为它们会导致严重的并发症,导致出血和死亡。在儿童中,纽扣电池已经通过食道的地方应该进行观察管理。在大多数情况下,卡在胃中的直径小于 2 厘米的纽扣电池会自然通过,不会出现并发症。然而,无症状的儿童可能会在摄入后 10-14 天接受 X 射线随访以评估进展情况。可能需要内窥镜或手术切除以防止肠穿孔伴腹膜炎。无论纽扣电池放置在胃肠道的哪个位置,有症状的儿童总是需要咨询儿科外科医生进行手术。