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Good, but not good enough: what church leaders think about the Presidential Amnesty Programme in Rivers State, Nigeria
Security Journal ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1057/s41284-021-00323-0
George C. Nche 1

Studies gauging opinions about the effectiveness of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) as a peace building strategy in the Niger Delta abound. However, none has gauged the opinions of church leaders regarding the PAP especially in Rivers State. This is despite the fact that church leaders are key stakeholders and have played significant roles in peace-building in many societies across the globe. The present study, therefore, explored the views of church leaders about the effectiveness of the PAP with respect to the current spate of insecurity and conflict in Rivers State. Information was elicited from sixteen church leaders across different communities in Rivers State. A descriptive narrative approach was employed in the thematic organization and analysis of data. Some of the church leaders, as findings showed, believe that although the PAP has empowered some ex-militants and ended the anti-state rebellion, it has only succeeded in redirecting the attention of the militants to the local residents of Rivers State who are currently the victims of violent crimes such as killings, kidnapping, armed robbery etc. Others see the PAP as cash for peace approach that encourages violence in the state. An all-inclusive approach to peace building and a church-led advocacy were suggested by the participants as the possible solutions to the persistence of insecurity and conflicts in Rivers State.



对总统大赦计划 (PAP) 作为尼日尔三角洲和平建设战略的有效性进行评估的研究比比皆是。然而,没有人评估过教会领袖对行动党的看法,尤其是在河流州。尽管教会领袖是关键的利益相关者,并在全球许多社会的和平建设中发挥了重要作用。因此,本研究探讨了教会领袖对人民行动党在应对河流州当前一系列不安全和冲突方面的有效性的看法。信息来自河流州不同社区的 16 位教会领袖。在主题组织和数据分析中采用了描述性叙述方法。调查结果显示,一些教会领袖 相信虽然行动党赋予了一些前武装分子权力,结束了反政府叛乱,但它只是成功地将武装分子的注意力转移到了河流州当地居民身上,他们目前是杀戮、绑架等暴力犯罪的受害者。 、持械抢劫等。其他人将人民行动党视为鼓励国家暴力的和平手段。与会者建议采取全面的和平建设方法和教会主导的宣传,作为解决河流州持续存在的不安全和冲突的可能方法。其他人则将人民行动党视为鼓励该州暴力的和平手段。与会者建议采取全面的和平建设方法和教会主导的宣传,作为解决河流州持续存在的不安全和冲突的可能方法。其他人则将人民行动党视为鼓励该州暴力的和平手段。与会者建议采取全面的和平建设方法和教会主导的宣传,作为解决河流州持续存在的不安全和冲突的可能方法。
