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Police Stress and Deleterious Outcomes: Efforts Towards Improving Police Mental Health
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11896-021-09488-1
Tina B Craddock 1 , Grace Telesco 2

Police officers are subjected, daily, to critical incidents and work-related stressors that negatively impact nearly every aspect of their personal and professional lives. They have resisted openly acknowledging this for fear of being labeled. This research examined the deleterious outcomes on the mental health of police officers, specifically on the correlation between years of service and change in worldviews, perception of others, and the correlation between repeated exposure to critical events and experiencing Post-Traumatic Symptoms. The Cumulative Career Traumatic Stress Questionnaire- Revised (Marshall in J Police Crim Psychol 21(1):62−71, 2006) was administered to 408 current and prior law enforcement officers across the United States. Significant correlations were found between years of service and traumatic events; traumatic events and post-traumatic stress symptoms; and traumatic events and worldview/perception of others. The findings from this study support the literature that perpetual long-term exposure to critical incidents and traumatic events, within the scope of the duties of a law enforcement officer, have negative implications that can impact both their physical and mental wellbeing. These symptoms become exacerbated when the officer perceives that receiving any type of service to address these issues would not be supported by law enforcement hierarchy and could, in fact, lead to the officer being declared unfit for duty. Finally, this research discusses early findings associated with the 2017 Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act and other proactive measures being implemented within law enforcement agencies who are actively working to remove the stigma associated with mental health in law enforcement.



警察每天都会遭受重大事件和与工作相关的压力源,这些事件几乎对他们个人和职业生活的方方面面产生负面影响。由于害怕被贴上标签,他们拒绝公开承认这一点。这项研究检查了警察心理健康的有害结果,特别是服务年限与世界观变化、对他人的看法之间的相关性,以及反复接触关键事件与经历创伤后症状之间的相关性。累积职业创伤压力问卷 - 修订版(Marshall in J Police Crim Psychol 21(1):62−71, 2006)对全美 408 名现任和前任执法人员进行了管理。服务年限与创伤事件之间存在显着相关性;创伤事件和创伤后压力症状;创伤性事件和对他人的世界观/看法。这项研究的结果支持文献表明,在执法人员的职责范围内,永久长期接触严重事件和创伤性事件会产生负面影响,从而影响他们的身心健康。当警官认为接受任何类型的服务来解决这些问题不会得到执法层级的支持并且实际上可能导致警官被宣布不适合执勤时,这些症状会变得更加严重。最后,
