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Between Human and State Security: Turkey’s Syria Policy under the Justice and Development Party (AKP)
The International Spectator ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-08 , DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2021.1984065
Pinar Tank 1


Since 2011, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has sought to portray the country as an emerging humanitarian and peacebuilding power, mobilising the country’s diplomatic and foreign policy resources to project the AKP’s vision of Turkey’s Islamic identity through the lens of its duty to help. An analysis of the official narratives on the state’s humanitarian and peacebuilding policies as they have evolved in the Syrian conflict highlights the tensions between a human security approach aimed at projecting Turkey as a normative humanitarian power and a state security approach based on the AKP government’s perceived national security needs.


在人类与国家安全之间:正义与发展党 (AKP) 领导下的土耳其叙利亚政策


自 2011 年以来,土耳其执政的正义与发展党 (AKP) 政府一直试图将该国描绘成一个新兴的人道主义和建设和平力量,调动该国的外交和外交政策资源,通过其职责的视角来投射 AKP 对土耳其伊斯兰身份的看法帮助。对该国在叙利亚冲突中演变的人道主义和建设和平政策的官方叙述的分析强调了旨在将土耳其投射为规范人道主义力量的人类安全方法与基于 AKP 政府认为的国家安全方法之间的紧张关系安全需要。
