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Understanding the long-term movement patterns of hatchery-reared white seabass
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01183-8
Ruairi MacNamara 1 , Michael Shane 1 , Mark Drawbridge 1

Recaptures of white seabass Atractoscion nobilis from a marine stock enhancement program were analyzed to understand long-term movement patterns within the Southern California Bight, USA. Between 1999 and 2020, white seabass at liberty for 1–20 years were recaptured as legal-sized (≥ 711 mm TL) adults recruited to California commercial and recreational fisheries. Movement metrics were quantified for 190 recaptures that had been released as juveniles (91–466 mm TL) from a large offshore island, Santa Catalina Island, or from coastal areas. Santa Catalina Island-released white seabass tended to be recaptured in the vicinity of the island up to 7 years post-release (minimum displacement distance = 18.0 ± 4.9 km (mean ± SE)). In contrast, white seabass released from coastal areas were at liberty for up to 20 years and moved significantly farther (145.0 ± 9.2 km and 82.9 ± 5.5 km for southern and northern coastal release areas, respectively), to areas of habitat continuous to (i.e., elsewhere along the coast) and disconnected from (i.e., islands and other offshore areas) the point of release. Minimum displacement distance distributions for 2-year time at liberty intervals (and fitted Weibull curves) further demonstrated the heterogeneous movement patterns associated with Santa Catalina Island and coastal release areas. White seabass released from coastal areas were predominantly recaptured in a west to north west direction from the point of release. Divergent movement metrics were not detected between male and female white seabass. This study provides much needed information on the long-term movement and dispersal of hatchery-reared white seabass, which will help guide stock enhancement management strategies of this highly mobile marine fish species.



重新捕获白鲈Atractoscion nobilis对来自海洋种群增强计划的数据进行了分析,以了解美国南加州湾内的长期运动模式。1999 年至 2020 年期间,自由 1-20 年的白鲈被重新捕获,成为加利福尼亚商业和休闲渔业招募的合法大小(≥ 711 毫米 TL)成年鱼。对 190 次从大型近海岛屿圣卡塔利娜岛或沿海地区释放的幼鱼(91-466 毫米 TL)的运动指标进行了量化。圣卡塔利娜岛释放的白鲈往往在释放后 7 年内在该岛附近被重新捕获(最小位移距离 = 18.0 ± 4.9 公里(平均值 ± SE))。相比之下,从沿海地区释放的白鲈可以自由活动长达 20 年,并且移动得更远(145.0 ± 9.2 km 和 82.9 ± 5. 分别为南部和北部沿海释放区 5 公里),到与释放点相连(即沿海其他地方)和与释放点断开连接(即岛屿和其他近海区域)的栖息地区域。自由间隔的 2 年最小位移距离分布(和拟合的威布尔曲线)进一步证明了与圣卡塔利娜岛和沿海释放区相关的异质运动模式。从沿海地区释放的白鲈主要从释放点沿西向西北方向重新捕获。在雄性和雌性白鲈之间没有检测到不同的运动指标。这项研究提供了有关孵化场饲养的白鲈长期移动和扩散的急需信息,
