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Sources of Ethnocultural empathy: personality, intergroup relations, affects
Current Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-02286-2
Necla Acun Kapıkıran 1

Individual and cultural factors play an important role in the emotional-social development. Culture creates differences in individuals’ cognitions, emotions and behaviors about events. One of the differences within culture is ethnic-racial differences. This study was generally aimed that personality traits, intergroup relations, empathy-prosocial behavior-morality and affects are the predictive power to ethnocultural empathy. This article includes four studies. Participants are students the Education Faculty of a university in the Aegean Region. Participans took demograph sheet, HEXACO, narcissistic personality and universality-diversity orientation scales in sudy−1, demongraph sheet, right-wing authoritarianism, discrimination, sensitivity to different cultural groups, social distance and social dominance orientation scales in study 2, demographic sheet, basic empathy, pro-social behavior and morality in study 3 and demographic sheet, trait anger, positive-negative affects towards outgroups and threat perception in study 4. Hierarchic regression analysis reveal that ethnicity and universality-diversity orientation predicts the etnocultural empathy in study1. Immigrant discrimination predicts the ethocultural empathy in study 2. Ethnicity, political tendency, basic empathy and pro- social behavior predicts the ethnocultural empathy in study 3. General threat perceptions towards outgroups predicts the ethnocultural empathy. A result of four studies has showed that the total variance of ethnocultural empathy was explained as .924%. The findings provide support for the best predictive variables of etnocultural empaty was been UDO, low immigrant discrimination, empathy-prosocial behavior, threat perception to out groups and ethnicity-religion-politic variable. According to the results of four studies from the same faculty, these variables explain the majority of the variance related to etnocultural empathy. Ethnocultural empathy may be an important effect in increasing intergroup contact and reducing conflicts and discriminatory attitudes in preservice teachers.



个人和文化因素在情感社会发展中起着重要作用。文化造成个人对事件的认知、情感和行为的差异。文化中的差异之一是种族-种族差异。这项研究的总体目标是人格特质、群体间关系、移情-亲社会行为-道德和情感是民族文化移情的预测能力。本文包括四项研究。参与者是爱琴海地区一所大学教育学院的学生。参与者在 sudy-1 中使用人口统计表、HEXACO、自恋人格和普遍性 - 多样性取向量表,恶魔表、右翼威权主义、歧视、对不同文化群体的敏感性、社会距离和社会支配取向量表在研究 2 中,研究 3 中的人口统计表、基本同理心、亲社会行为和道德,以及研究 4 中的人口统计表、特质愤怒、对外部群体的积极-消极影响和威胁感知。在学习 1。移民歧视预测研究 2 中的民族文化移情。种族、政治倾向、基本移情和亲社会行为预测研究 3 中的民族文化移情。对外群体的一般威胁感知预测民族文化移情。四项研究的结果表明,民族文化共情的总方差被解释为 0.924%。调查结果支持民族文化移情的最佳预测变量是 UDO、低移民歧视、移情-亲社会行为、对外部群体的威胁感知和种族-宗教-政治变量。根据来自同一学院的四项研究的结果,这些变量解释了与民族文化同理心相关的大部分差异。民族文化同理心可能是增加群体间接触和减少职前教师的冲突和歧视态度的重要影响。
