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The Global Prevalence of Sexual Assault: A Systematic Review of International Research Since 2010.
Psychology of Violence ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1037/vio0000374
Emily R Dworkin 1 , Barbara Krahé 2 , Heidi Zinzow 3

OBJECTIVE We present a review of peer-reviewed English-language studies conducted outside the United States and Canada on the prevalence of sexual assault victimization in adolescence and adulthood published since 2010. METHOD A systematic literature search yielded 32 articles reporting on 45 studies from 29 countries. Studies that only provided prevalence estimates for sexual assault in intimate relationships or did not present separate rates for men and women were excluded. All studies were coded by two coders, and a risk of bias score was calculated for each study. Both past-year and prevalence rates covering longer periods were extracted. RESULTS The largest number of studies came from Europe (n=21), followed by Africa (n=11), Asia and Latin America (n=6 each). One study came from the Middle East and no studies were found from Oceania. Across the 22 studies that reported past-year prevalence rates, figures ranged from 0% to 59.2% for women, 0.3% to 55.5% for men, and 1.5% to 18.2% for LGBT samples. The average risk of bias score was 5.7 out of 10. Studies varied widely in methodology. CONCLUSION Despite regional variation, most studies indicate that sexual assault is widespread. More sustained, systematic, and coordinated research efforts are needed to gauge the scale of sexual assault in different parts of the world and to develop prevention measures.


性侵犯的全球流行:自 2010 年以来对国际研究的系统回顾。

目的 我们回顾了自 2010 年以来在美国和加拿大以外开展的关于青春期和成年期性侵犯受害流行率的同行评议英语研究。 方法 系统的文献检索产生了 32 篇文章,报告了来自 29 个国家的 45 项研究. 仅提供亲密关系中性侵犯患病率估计值或未提供男性和女性单独发病率的研究被排除在外。所有研究均由两名编码员编码,并计算每项研究的偏倚风险评分。提取了过去一年和涵盖较长时期的流行率。结果 最多的研究来自欧洲(n=21),其次是非洲(n=11)、亚洲和拉丁美洲(各 n=6)。一项研究来自中东,没有发现来自大洋洲的研究。在报告过去一年患病率的 22 项研究中,女性的数据范围为 0% 至 59.2%,男性为 0.3% 至 55.5%,LGBT 样本为 1.5% 至 18.2%。偏倚评分的平均风险为 5.7 分(满分 10 分)。研究的方法学差异很大。结论 尽管存在地区差异,但大多数研究表明性侵犯很普遍。需要更持续、系统和协调的研究工作来衡量世界不同地区性侵犯的规模并制定预防措施。大多数研究表明,性侵犯很普遍。需要更持续、系统和协调的研究工作来衡量世界不同地区性侵犯的规模并制定预防措施。大多数研究表明,性侵犯很普遍。需要更持续、系统和协调的研究工作来衡量世界不同地区性侵犯的规模并制定预防措施。