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Managing dissonance: Bureaucratic justice and public procurement
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.203 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-03 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12444
Richard Craven 1

This article puts forward an analytical framework for understanding administrative justice. It does so by reading a leading approach, Jerry Mashaw's administrative justice models, in conjunction with the pragmatic sociology of Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot, and their orders of worth framework. This provides an enhanced framework, which, while remaining consistent with Mashaw, offers additional insights and is particularly suitable for analyzing decisionmaking environments in the modern contracting state. The article illustrates the workings of the new framework by looking at a controversy under UK and EU law concerning the inclusion of labor objectives in public procurement. The discussion reveals a decisionmaking environment characterized by system dissonance. Actors must navigate different sets of tensions and tradeoffs between competing normative and ethical visions for procurement decisionmaking.



本文提出了理解行政正义的分析框架。它通过阅读领先方法 Jerry Mashaw 的行政司法模型,结合 Luc Boltanski 和 Laurent Thévenot 的实用社会学及其价值顺序框架来做到这一点。这提供了一个增强的框架,在与 Mashaw 保持一致的同时,提供了额外的见解,特别适用于分析现代合同状态下的决策环境。本文通过审视英国和欧盟法律下关于将劳工目标纳入公共采购的争议,说明了新框架的运作方式。讨论揭示了一个以系统失调为特征的决策环境。