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Film and television industry cloud exhibition design based on 3D imaging and virtual reality
Displays ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.displa.2021.102107
Kaige Zhuang 1

The three-dimensional virtual scene can provide users with a visual three-dimensional virtual environment, with various multimedia channels such as sound, video, force feedback equipment, etc., to bring users a completely immersive interactive experience. This paper introduces 3D imaging and virtual reality technology in the film and television industry cloud exhibition, and develops a virtual display platform. First of all, this paper divides the registration into two processes: camera calibration and joint calibration of the camera and laser scanner based on the calibration results. Camera calibration can determine the plane model of the calibration board in the camera coordinate system, and the joint calibration uses the RANSAC algorithm to extract the point cloud of the plane model of the calibration board, and then optimizes the distance between the points in the plane model point cloud and the corresponding plane in the camera coordinate system Find the optimal transformation between the two sets of data, and then calculate the registration relationship between the point cloud and the image. Secondly, this article conducts a demand analysis of the film and television industry cloud exhibition platform based on virtual reality technology, including the business goals set by the platform, platform system analysis, overall design, and system operating environment and configuration requirements. This model provides a feasible solution for the visual interaction of the cloud exhibition design of the film and television industry.



