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The cataract surgery of Empress Eugenie of France a century ago by the eminent Spanish ophthalmologist Ignacio Barraquer
Journal of Medical Biography ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/09677720211049700
Guillermo Simon Castellvi 1 , James G Ravin 2 , Tracy B Ravin 3 , Anna Maria Carmona-Cornet 1

Topic: Empress Eugénie (1826–1920), the widow of Emperor Napoléon III of France, developed mature cataracts late in life. In 1920, at age 94, she underwent surgery to one eye by Ignacio Barraquer (1884–1965), a member of the famous dynasty of ophthalmologists originally from Barcelona, Spain. Clinical relevance: Barraquer used his new instrument which employed a vacuum cup to hold the lens for intracapsular extraction. Methods: Research of historical documents. Results: The surgery was a success; the Empress was pleased that she could read again although she did not have long to live. She was his first famous cataract patient and his fame spread internationally. Barraquer spoke at the International Congress of Ophthalmology held in Washington, DC, in 1922 and demonstrated his technique on patients in Washington, DC, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Richmond, VA. Conclusion: Barraquer's surgery on Éugenie, who was the most powerful woman in Europe during her husband's reign, influenced the course of development of cataract surgical technique.



主题:法国皇帝拿破仑三世的遗孀欧仁妮皇后(1826-1920 年)晚年患上了成熟的白内障。1920 年,94 岁的她接受了伊格纳西奥·巴拉克尔(Ignacio Barraquer,1884-1965 年)的一只眼睛手术,伊格纳西奥·巴拉克尔是来自西班牙巴塞罗那的著名眼科医生王朝的成员。临床相关性: Barraquer 使用他的新仪器,该仪器采用真空杯来固定晶状体以进行囊内提取。方法:历史文献研究。结果:手术成功;皇后很高兴她能再次读书,尽管她的生命已经不多了。她是他的第一位著名白内障患者,他的名声传遍了国际。Barraquer 于 1922 年在华盛顿特区举行的国际眼科大会上发表演讲,并向华盛顿特区、纽约、波士顿、费城和弗吉尼亚州里士满的患者展示了他的技术。结论: Barraquer为她丈夫统治时期欧洲最有权势的女人Eugenie所做的手术影响了白内障手术技术的发展进程。
