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Relative age and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile: How do birth month and peer group age composition determine attribution of a ‘Good Level of Development’—and what does this tell us about how ‘good’ the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is?
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3771
Tammy Campbell 1

The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) is a statutory, summative teacher assessment against nationally prescribed criteria. It is completed for all children in state education in England in summer of the reception year, when September-born children are nearly 6 and summer-born children are turning 5. This research uses quantitative descriptive and regression analyses of de-identified National Pupil Database records spanning 2008–2018 (N = 6 million+). It considers how children’s own age and the mean age of their school year-group peers interplay in determining attribution of the EYFSP ‘Good Level of Development’ (‘GLD’). Birth month is starkly predictive of ‘GLD’ attribution: on average, across years, August-borns are 30 percentage points less likely to be deemed ‘Good’ than September-borns. Moreover, an older year-group predicts lowered chances of ‘GLD’ attribution for children born across all seasons. In 2018, for example, a summer-born child in a much older year-group had an estimated 58% chance of being attributed a ‘GLD’; a comparable summer-born child in a young year-group had an estimated 65% chance; an autumn-born child in an old year-group had an estimated 79% chance; and an autumn-born child in a young year-group had an estimated 83% chance. Results build upon previous research indicating that teachers’ judgements are relative, and also complement studies describing ‘moderation’ requirements forcing teachers to shape EYFSP scores into prescribed patterns within schools. The latest EYFSP revision continues to ignore the dominance of age in determining ‘GLD’ attribution and the effects of context and relative judgement. Therefore the EYFSP cannot be an entirely ‘reliable, valid and accurate’ measure of ‘child development’ as intended by the Department for Education.



Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) 是一项针对国家规定标准的法定总结性教师评估。它是在接收年的夏天为英格兰所有接受公立教育的孩子完成的,当时 9 月出生的孩子将近 6 岁,夏季出生的孩子即将 5 岁。本研究使用去识别的国家学生数据库的定量描述和回归分析2008-2018 年的记录(N = 600 万+)。它考虑了孩子自己的年龄和他们学龄组同龄人的平均年龄在确定 EYFSP“良好发展水平”(“GLD”)的归属方面如何相互作用。出生月份对“GLD”归因有着明显的预测作用:平均而言,多年来,8 月出生的人被认为是“好”的可能性比 9 月出生的人低 30 个百分点。此外,年龄较大的年龄组预测所有季节出生的孩子的“GLD”归因机会都会降低。例如,在 2018 年,一个年龄大得多的夏季出生的孩子估计有 58% 的机会被归为“GLD”;一个类似的夏季出生的孩子在一个年轻的年龄组中估计有 65% 的机会;高龄组中秋季出生的孩子估计有 79% 的机会;一个年轻年龄段的秋季出生的孩子估计有 83% 的机会。结果建立在先前的研究基础上,表明教师的判断是相对的,并且还补充了描述“适度”要求的研究,这些要求迫使教师将 EYFSP 分数塑造成学校内的规定模式。最新的 EYFSP 修订版继续忽略年龄在确定“GLD”归因以及背景和相对判断的影响方面的主导地位。因此,EYFSP 不能成为教育部所期望的完全“可靠、有效和准确”的“儿童发展”衡量标准。最新的 EYFSP 修订版继续忽略年龄在确定“GLD”归因以及背景和相对判断的影响方面的主导地位。因此,EYFSP 不能成为教育部所期望的完全“可靠、有效和准确”的“儿童发展”衡量标准。最新的 EYFSP 修订版继续忽略年龄在确定“GLD”归因以及背景和相对判断的影响方面的主导地位。因此,EYFSP 不能成为教育部所期望的完全“可靠、有效和准确”的“儿童发展”衡量标准。