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Risk, rights and deservedness: Navigating the tensions of Gladue, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and settler colonialism in Canadian courts
Behavioral Sciences & the Law ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2536
Jane Dickson 1 , Michelle Stewart 2

In 2008, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada engaged in a public project of national reconciliation to address the ongoing impacts of settler colonialism including the disproportionate number of Indigenous adults and youth who are held in remand facilities awaiting trial or sentence as well as those who are convicted and sentenced to periods of incarceration. Efforts to further reconciliation by reducing Indigenous incarceration rates have relied largely on the courts and their application of a sentencing principle rooted in the Supreme Court’s ruling in R. v. Gladue [1999] 1 SCR 688. In this article, we argue that the Gladue sentencing principle is being fundamentally undermined in the courts through risk models that actively displace the very context that Gladue reports seek to illuminate. Included in the analysis are the compounding impacts facing Indigenous individuals struggling with a complex disability like Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.



2008 年,加拿大真相与和解委员会参与了一个民族和解公共项目,以解决定居者殖民主义的持续影响,包括被关押在候审设施中等待审判或判刑的土著成年人和青年人数不成比例,以及那些被定罪并判处有期徒刑。通过降低原住民监禁率来进一步和解的努力在很大程度上依赖于法院及其对根植于最高法院在 R. v. Gladue [1999] 1 SCR 688 中的裁决的量刑原则的应用。在本文中,我们认为 Gladue通过积极取代格拉杜报告试图阐明的背景的风险模型,量刑原则在法庭上受到了根本性的破坏。