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The Art of Social Justice: Examining Arts Programming as a Context for Critical Consciousness Development Among Youth
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01527-8
Deanna A Ibrahim 1 , Erin B Godfrey 1 , Elise Cappella 1 , Esther Burson 2

Critical consciousness has been linked to a range of positive outcomes, particularly among marginalized youth; yet, evidence on its developmental antecedents remains limited. The current study examines whether arts participation is associated with positive change in critical consciousness, and whether these associations differ by youth’s social group status. The sample consisted of high school youth (N = 2537; 10% Latinx, 7% Multiracial; 4% Black; 5% Asian; 72% White; 2% Other; 53% Female; Mage = 15.69; age range = 10–20). The results showed that youth with higher arts participation demonstrate higher growth in critical reflection and action, adjusting for baseline critical consciousness, other types of extracurricular participation, and demographic characteristics. The association between arts participation and critical action was significantly stronger for youth of color than for white youth, and the association between arts participation and critical reflection was marginally significantly stronger for white youth than for youth of color. These findings suggest that it is crucial to extend opportunities for arts involvement to all students, and to expand the ways in which arts involvement can promote critical consciousness for youth of varying dimensions of oppression and privilege.



批判意识与一系列积极成果有​​关,尤其是在边缘化青年中;然而,关于其发展前因的证据仍然有限。目前的研究检验艺术参与是否与批判意识的积极变化相关,以及这些关联是否因青年的社会群体地位而异。样本由高中青年组成(N = 2537; 10% 拉丁裔,7% 多种族;4% 黑色;5% 亚洲人;72% 白色;2% 其他;53% 女性;法师 = 15.69;年龄范围 = 10–20)。结果表明,艺术参与程度较高的青年在批判性反思和行动方面表现出更高的增长,根据基线批判意识、其他类型的课外参与和人口特征进行调整。有色人种青年的艺术参与与批评行动之间的关联明显强于白人青年,而白人青年的艺术参与与批判性反思之间的关联略显着强于有色人种青年。这些发现表明,将艺术参与的机会扩展到所有学生是至关重要的,
