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Resurrecting an Idaho Icon: How Research and Management Reversed Declines of Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10697
Jerry Mallet 1 , Russell F. Thurow 2

Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi (WCT), the dominant nonanadromous salmonid in central and northern Idaho, historically were extremely abundant and widely distributed. Despite restricted harvest methods and limits since 1899, many WCT populations declined and by the 1960s, populations in several major drainages were on the brink of collapse. In response, fisheries biologists began investigating WCT population dynamics, life histories, and habitat requirements and developed evidence-based regulations and habitat restoration alternatives. Here we describe fluvial WCT case histories that illustrate how research and management collaborated to rebuild populations. The sustained and successful effort to restore fluvial WCT in Idaho offers insights to assist WCT recovery efforts elsewhere. Today, populations in many watersheds have been rehabilitated and WCT currently inhabit about 80% of their historical stream range. Despite continued threats, many Idaho WCT populations are relatively secure, provide unique recreational opportunities, and remain an important ecological, cultural, and economic resource.



Westslope Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi(WCT)是爱达荷州中部和北部的主要非溯河鲑鱼,历史上极其丰富且分布广泛。尽管自 1899 年以来收获方法和限制受到限制,但许多 WCT 人口下降,到 1960 年代,几个主要排水系统的人口处于崩溃的边缘。作为回应,渔业生物学家开始调查 WCT 种群动态、生活史和栖息地要求,并制定了基于证据的法规和栖息地恢复替代方案。在这里,我们描述了河流 WCT 案例历史,这些案例说明了研究和管理如何合作重建人口。在爱达荷州恢复河流 WCT 的持续和成功的努力为协助其他地方的 WCT 恢复工作提供了见解。今天,许多流域的人口已经恢复,WCT 目前占据了其历史河流范围的 80%。尽管威胁持续存在,但许多爱达荷州 WCT 人口相对安全,提供独特的娱乐机会,并且仍然是重要的生态、文化和经济资源。