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Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13909

The authors Neuenkamp et al. (2021) would like to correct the following errors found in the paper.

Under the Results section the following paragraph

‘Among bait plants root samples, similar numbers of VT occurred exclusively in the roots of shade-intolerant or shade-tolerant plants, and in open or shaded grassland sites (Appendix S8B and C). However, the number of exclusive VT in the roots of plants with different shade-tolerance depended on the light conditions (Figure 1). In light that is, open grassland sites, there were more exclusive VT in the roots of shade-intolerant than shade-tolerant plants (28 VT vs. 20 VT) (Figure 1a), while in shaded grassland sites there were twice as many exclusive VT in the roots of shade-tolerant compared with shade-intolerant plants (34 VT vs. 16 VT) (Figure 1b)’.

is corrected as

‘Among bait plants root samples, similar numbers of VT occurred exclusively in the roots of shade-intolerant or shade-tolerant plants, and in open or shaded grassland sites (Appendix S8B and C). However, the number of exclusive VT in the roots of plants with different shade-tolerance depended on the light conditions (Figure 1). In light that is, open grassland sites, there were more exclusive VT in the roots of shade-intolerant than shade-tolerant plants (30 VT vs. 17 VT) (Figure 1a), while in shaded grassland sites there were twice as many exclusive VT in the roots of shade-tolerant compared with shade-intolerant plants (29 VT vs. 15 VT) (Figure 1b)’.



作者 Neuenkamp 等人。( 2021 ) 想更正论文中发现的以下错误。


'在诱饵植物根部样本中,类似数量的 VT 仅发生在不耐阴或耐阴植物的根部,以及开阔或阴凉的草地上(附录 S8B 和 C)。然而,不同耐阴植物根部的专有VT数量取决于光照条件(图1)。在光照条件下,即开放草地点,不耐阴植物根部的专有VT比耐阴植物多(28 VT vs. 20 VT)(图1a),而在遮荫草地点,专有VT数量是耐阴植物的两倍与不耐阴植物相比,耐阴植物根部的 VT(34 VT vs. 16 VT)(图 1b)'。


'在诱饵植物根部样本中,类似数量的 VT 仅发生在不耐阴或耐阴植物的根部,以及开阔或阴凉的草地上(附录 S8B 和 C)。然而,不同耐阴植物根部的专有VT数量取决于光照条件(图1)。在光照条件下,即开放草地点,不耐阴植物根部的专有VT多于耐阴植物(30 VT vs. 17 VT)(图1a),而在遮荫草地点,专有VT数量是耐阴植物的两倍与不耐阴植物相比,耐阴植物根部的 VT(29 VT 与 15 VT)(图 1b)'。
