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Sedimentary architecture of a Late Cretaceous under‐filled rift basin, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
Basin Research ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-26 , DOI: 10.1111/bre.12622
A. Barrier 1, 2 , G. H. Browne 3 , A. Nicol 2 , K.N. Bassett 2

The Canterbury Basin in southeastern Zealandia was initiated during the late Albian (ca. 105 Ma) as a rift system, prior to the onset of seafloor spreading between Zealandia and eastern Gondwana at ca. 85 Ma. Basin-fill architecture and sediment types have been determined from interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic-reflection lines tied to five wells and compared to outcrop data from the literature. These data show that Cretaceous syn-rift basin-fill architecture was controlled by normal faulting, which produced basin and range topography that persisted for more that ca. 30 Myr after the cessation of faulting. Initial sedimentation was dominated by short drainage systems sourced from within the basin to produce alluvial fans along fault scarps, which inter-fingered with axial-flowing braided river conglomerates, coal measures and mudstone-rich lake deposits in more central portions of the basins. Marine incursion of the basin from the east commenced during rifting and onset of Gondwana breakup, with maximum water depths achieved in the Oligocene. Post-rifting, detrital sediments were mainly sourced locally from structural highs and augmented by pelagic sedimentation, which collectively draped and eventually buried most of the earlier-formed horsts by the Early Eocene. The temporal persistence of basin and range topography reflected the low rates of erosion of horst blocks compared to the rates of fault displacement. The lack of substantial sediment input from outside of the rift basin was a key factor in the under-filling of the Canterbury Basin. This research emphasises the key role played by sediment supply in rift basin filling. Despite an abundance of active faulting at initiation, some rift basins may fill slowly over tens of million years after rift cessation.



西兰大陆东南部的坎特伯雷盆地是在阿尔比纪晚期(约 105 Ma)作为裂谷系统开始的,在西兰大陆和冈瓦纳东部之间的海底扩张开始之前。85 毫安。通过对与五口井相关的 2D 和 3D 地震反射线的解释并与文献中的露头数据进行比较,确定了盆地填充结构和沉积物类型。这些数据表明,白垩纪同裂谷盆地充填结构受正常断层控制,产生的盆地和山脉地形持续时间超过 100 年。故障停止后 30 Myr。初始沉积以盆地内的短排水系统为主,沿断层陡坡产生冲积扇,与轴向流动的辫状河砾岩相交,盆地中部的煤系和富含泥岩的湖泊沉积。在冈瓦纳断裂和开始分裂期间,从东部开始向盆地的海洋侵入,在渐新世达到最大水深。裂谷后的碎屑沉积物主要来自构造高地的局部,并由远洋沉积物增强,这些沉积物共同覆盖并最终掩埋了早始新世早期形成的大部分地垒。盆地和山脉地形的时间持久性反映了与断层位移速率相比,地垒块的侵蚀速率较低。裂谷盆地外部缺乏大量沉积物输入是坎特伯雷盆地填充不足的关键因素。本研究强调沉积物供应在裂谷盆地充填中的关键作用。