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Covid-19: UK stockpiles two unapproved antiviral drugs for treatment at home
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-25 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.n2602
Elisabeth Mahase 1

The UK has started stockpiling two antiviral drugs as part of a plan to give people who are staying at home with covid-19 a treatment to reduce symptoms and the spread of the virus. The government has purchased 480 000 courses of molnupiravir (made by Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD)) and 250 000 courses of the combination of PF-07321332 and ritonavir (Pfizer), neither of which have been approved by the UK’s regulator of medicines. In its announcement the Department of Health and Social Care for England said that if the treatments were approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency they will be rolled out to people most at risk of covid-19, with the aim of reducing symptom severity and “easing pressure on the NHS over winter.” The drugs were selected by the Antivirals Taskforce, which was formed in April with …



英国已开始储备两种抗病毒药物,作为一项计划的一部分,该计划旨在为因 covid-19 留在家中的人提供治疗,以减轻症状并减少病毒的传播。政府购买了 480 000 个疗程的 molnupiravir(由 Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) 制造)和 250 000 个疗程的 PF-07321332 和利托那韦(辉瑞)的组合,这两种药物均未获得英国药品监管机构的批准。英国卫生和社会保健部在其公告中表示,如果这些治疗获得药品和保健产品监管机构的批准,它们将被推广到最有可能感染 covid-19 的人群,目的是减轻症状的严重程度和“在冬季缓解 NHS 的压力。” 这些药物是由抗病毒工作组选择的,该工作组于 4 月成立,...