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Mind The Gap! The Role of Political Identity and Attitudes in the Emergence of Belief Gaps
International Journal of Public Opinion Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edab006
Magdalena Saldaña 1 , Shannon McGregor 2 , Tom Johnson 3

To more fully understand the belief gap hypothesis, this study examines the effect of political identity, education, and partisan media consumption on the formation of attitudes and false beliefs. Using a two-wave, nationally representative online survey of the U.S., we assess people’s attitudes and beliefs toward climate change, on the one hand, and Syrian refugees, on the other. Building on previous studies, we demonstrate that the effect of one’s political identity on attitudes and false beliefs is contingent upon education, which appears to widen the belief gap in consort with political identity.


