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Azerbaijan’s Healthcare Legislation: Major Developments Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
European Journal of Health Law ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-22 , DOI: 10.1163/15718093-bja10057
Lala A. Jafarova 1, 1, 2 , Vugar G. Mammadov 1, 1, 2 , Leyli E. Mammadova 1, 1, 2

Significant changes in the field of Azerbaijan’s healthcare legislation came just at the time when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic broke out in the world. The end of 2019 was supposed to lay the groundwork for the introduction of the country’s long-awaited health insurance – a landmark change in terms of national healthcare transformation; although the Law ‘On health insurance’ was adopted in the 1990s, its implementation was per se frozen for many years due to various reasons. Therefore, the pandemic complicated the process even more. It also coincided with significant updates of the Law ‘On human organs and tissues donation and transplantation’, which comes into force in 2022, and legislation related to disability. Thus, this paper focuses on recent changes in healthcare legislation; analyses system of health insurance, updated transplantation and disability laws. It gives an overview of the developments that accompany the process of legislation transformation.


阿塞拜疆的医疗保健立法:COVID-19 大流行期间的主要发展

阿塞拜疆医疗保健立法领域的重大变化恰逢冠状病毒( COVID -19)在世界范围内爆发之际。 2019年底本应为该国期待已久的健康保险的推出奠定基础——这是国家医疗转型方面的一个里程碑式的变化;尽管《健康保险法》于20世纪90年代通过,但由于各种原因,其实施本身多年来一直被冻结。因此,大流行使这一过程变得更加复杂。与此同时,2022 年生效的《人体器官和组织捐赠和移植法》以及与残疾相关的立法也发生了重大更新。因此,本文重点关注医疗保健立法的最新变化;分析健康保险体系、更新的移植和残疾法律。它概述了立法转型过程中的进展。
