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Patient Preferences for Longer or More Frequent In-Center Hemodialysis Regimens: A Multicenter Discrete Choice Study
American Journal of Kidney Diseases ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-23 , DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.012
James Fotheringham 1 , Enric Vilar 2 , Tarun Bansal 3 , Paul Laboi 4 , Andrew Davenport 5 , Louese Dunn 6 , Arne Risa Hole 7

Rationale & Objective

Longer and more frequent hemodialysis sessions are associated with both benefits and harms. However, their relative importance to patients and how they influence acceptability for patients have not been quantified.

Study Design

Discrete-choice experiment in which a scenario followed by 12 treatment choice sets were presented to patients in conjunction with varying information about the clinical impact of the treatments offered.

Setting & Participants

Patients with kidney failure treated with maintenance dialysis for ≥1 year in 5 UK kidney centers.


Length and frequency of hemodialysis sessions and their prior reported associations with survival, quality of life, need for fluid restriction, hospitalization, and vascular access complications.


Selection of longer (4.5 hours) or more frequent (4 sessions per week) hemodialysis regimens versus remaining on 3 sessions per week with session lengths of 4 hours.

Analytical Approach

Multinomial mixed effects logistic regression estimating the relative influence of different levels of the predictors on the selection of longer and more frequent dialysis, controlling for patient demographic characteristics.


Among 183 prevalent in-center hemodialysis patients (mean age of 63.7 years, mean dialysis vintage of 4.7 years), 38.3% (70 of 183) always chose to remain on regimens of 3 sessions per week with session duration of 4 hours. Depicted associations of increasing survival and quality of life, reduced need for fluid restriction, and avoiding additional access complications were all significantly associated with choosing longer or more frequent treatment regimens. Younger age, fatigue, previous experience of vascular access complications, absence of heart failure, and shorter travel time to dialysis centers were associated with preference for 4 sessions per week. Patients expressed willingness to trade up to 2 years of life to avoid regimens of 4 sessions per week or access complications. After applying estimated treatment benefits and harms from existing literature, the fully adjusted model revealed that 27.1% would choose longer regimens delivered 3 times per week and 34.3% would choose 4 hours 4 times per week. Analogous estimates for younger fatigued patients living near their unit were 23.5% and 62.5%, respectively.


Estimates were based on stated preferences rather than observed behaviors. Predicted acceptance of regimens was derived from data on treatment benefits and harms largely sourced from observational studies.


Predicted acceptance of longer and more frequent hemodialysis regimens substantially exceeds their use in current clinical practice. These findings underscore the need for robust data on clinical effectiveness of these more intensive regimens and more extensive consideration of patient choice in the selection of dialysis regimens.






离散选择实验,其中向患者呈现一个场景,随后提供 12 种治疗选择集,并结合有关所提供治疗的临床影响的不同信息。


在英国 5 个肾脏中心接受维持性透析治疗 1 年以上的肾衰竭患者 




选择更长(4.5 小时)或更频繁(每周 4 次)的血液透析方案,而不是保持每周 3 次、疗程长度为 4 小时。




在 183 名中心内血液透析患者中​​(平均年龄 63.7 岁,平均透析年限 4.7 年),38.3%(183 名患者中的 70 名)始终选择维持每周 3 次疗程、疗程持续时间 4 小时的治疗方案。所描述的提高生存率和生活质量、减少液体限制的需要以及避免额外的通路并发症都与选择更长或更频繁的治疗方案显着相关。年龄较小、疲劳、既往有血管通路并发症的经历、无心力衰竭以及前往透析中心的时间较短与每周 4 次治疗的偏好相关。患者表示愿意牺牲长达 2 年的生命,以避免每周 4 次治疗或出现并发症。应用现有文献估计的治疗益处和危害后,完全调整的模型显示,27.1% 的人会选择每周 3 次的较长治疗方案,34.3% 的人会选择每周 4 次、4 小时的治疗方案。居住在单位附近的年轻疲劳患者的类似估计分别为 23.5% 和 62.5%。




