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Ambulances queue outside A&Es as 999 calls pile up
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-22 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.n2590
Elisabeth Mahase 1

Ambulance services in England are struggling to cope with huge numbers of calls, as crowded hospitals are unable to take patients and queues of ambulances waiting outside emergency departments have become an everyday occurrence. The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives has said that every ambulance service in England is now at the highest level of alert, and paramedics have warned that services are regularly holding up to 300 calls at a time when no ambulances are available. In September, 2.1 million people attended emergency departments—the highest figure ever recorded for that month—and calls to ambulance services for category one incidents (life threatening injuries and illnesses, such as cardiac arrest) increased by 36.5% compared with September 2019.1 Under this pressure, ambulance services missed the average …


由于 999 电话堆积如山,救护车在 A&E 外排队

英格兰的救护车服务正在努力应对大量呼叫,因为拥挤的医院无法接收患者,而且在急诊室外等候的救护车排队已成为日常现象。救护车首席执行官协会表示,英格兰的每辆救护车服务现在都处于最高警戒状态,护理人员警告说,在没有救护车可用的情况下,该服务通常会接听多达 300 个电话。与 2019 年 9 月相比,9 月有 210 万人到急诊室就诊——这是该月有记录以来的最高数字——第一类事故(危及生命的伤害和疾病,如心脏骤停)呼叫救护车服务的电话增加了 36.5%。压力,救护车服务低于平均水平……