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From non-conscious processing to conscious events: a minimalist approach
Neuroscience of Consciousness ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-20 , DOI: 10.1093/nc/niab026
Asael Y Sklar 1 , Rasha Kardosh 2 , Ran R Hassin 3

The minimalist approach that we develop here is a framework that allows to appreciate how non-conscious processing and conscious contents shape human cognition, broadly defined. It is composed of three simple principles. First, cognitive processes are inherently non-conscious, while their inputs and (interim) outputs may be consciously experienced. Second, non-conscious processes and elements of the cognitive architecture prioritize information for conscious experiences. Third, conscious events are composed of series of conscious contents and non-conscious processes, with increased duration leading to more opportunity for processing. The narrowness of conscious experiences is conceptualized here as a solution to the problem of channeling the plethora of non-conscious processes into action and communication processes that are largely serial. The framework highlights the importance of prioritization for consciousness, and we provide an illustrative review of three main factors that shape prioritization—stimulus strength, motivational relevance and mental accessibility. We further discuss when and how this framework (i) is compatible with previous theories, (ii) enables new understandings of established findings and models, and (iii) generates new predictions and understandings.



我们在这里开发的极简主义方法是一个框架,可以让我们理解无意识处理和有意识内容如何塑造广义上的人类认知。它由三个简单的原则组成。首先,认知过程本质上是无意识的,而它们的输入和(临时)输出可能是有意识地经历的。其次,认知架构的无意识过程和元素优先考虑有意识体验的信息。第三,意识事件由一系列意识内容和无意识过程组成,持续时间的增加导致更多的处理机会。意识体验的狭隘性在这里被概念化为解决将大量非意识过程转化为基本上串行的行动和沟通过程的问题的解决方案。该框架强调了意识优先顺序的重要性,并且我们对影响优先顺序的三个主要因素(刺激强度、动机相关性和心理可及性)进行了说明性回顾。我们进一步讨论该框架何时以及如何与以前的理论兼容,(ii) 实现对已建立的发现和模型的新理解,以及 (iii) 产生新的预测和理解。