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General Psychology Otherwise: A Decolonial Articulation
Review of General Psychology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-18 , DOI: 10.1177/10892680211048177

Critics have faulted the project of general psychology for conceptions of general truth that (1) emphasize basic processes abstracted from context and (2) rest on a narrow foundation of research among people in enclaves of Eurocentric modernity. Informed by these critiques, we propose decolonial perspectives as a new scholarly imaginary for general psychology Otherwise. Whereas hegemonic articulations of general psychology tend to ignore life in majority-world communities as something peripheral to its knowledge project, decolonial perspectives regard these communities as a privileged site for general understanding. Indeed, the epistemic standpoint of such communities is especially useful for understanding the coloniality inherent in modern individualist lifeways and the fundamental relationality of human existence. Similarly, whereas hegemonic articulations of general psychology tend to impose particular Eurocentric forms masquerading as general laws, the decolonial vision for general psychology Otherwise exchanges the universalized particular for a more pluralistic (or pluriversal) general.



批评家们指责一般真理概念的一般心理学项目(1)强调从背景中抽象出来的基本过程,(2)建立在欧洲中心现代性​​飞地中人们研究的狭窄基础上。受这些批评的启发,我们提出非殖民观点作为一般心理学的新学术想象. 虽然一般心理学的霸权表述倾向于忽略多数世界社区的生活,将其视为其知识项目的外围内容,但非殖民主义观点将这些社区视为一般理解的特权场所。事实上,这些社区的认知立场对于理解现代个人主义生活方式中固有的殖民性和人类生存的基本关系特别有用。类似地,虽然一般心理学的霸权表达倾向于强加伪装成一般规律的特定欧洲中心主义形式,但一般心理学的非殖民主义愿景以其他方式将普遍化的特殊性交换为更多元化(或多方面)的一般性。
