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Vicious Circles: Violence, Vulnerability, and Climate Change
Annual Review of Environment and Resources ( IF 15.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-012220-014708
Halvard Buhaug 1, 2 , Nina von Uexkull 1, 3

Climate change threatens core dimensions of human security, including economic prosperity, food availability, and societal stability. In recent years, war-torn regions such as Afghanistan and Yemen have harbored severe humanitarian crises, compounded by climate-related hazards. These cases epitomize the powerful but presently incompletely appreciated links between vulnerability, conflict, and climate-related impacts. In this article, we develop a unified conceptual model of these phenomena by connecting three fields of research that traditionally have had little interaction: (a) determinants of social vulnerability to climate change, (b) climatic drivers of armed conflict risk, and (c) societal impacts of armed conflict. In doing so, we demonstrate how many of the conditions that shape vulnerability to climate change also increase the likelihood of climate–conflict interactions and, furthermore, that impacts from armed conflict aggravate these conditions. The end result may be a vicious circle locking affected societies in a trap of violence, vulnerability, and climate change impacts.



气候变化威胁着人类安全的核心层面,包括经济繁荣、粮食供应和社会稳定。近年来,阿富汗和也门等饱受战争蹂躏的地区深陷严重的人道主义危机,并因气候相关灾害而雪上加霜。这些案例体现了脆弱性、冲突和与气候相关的影响之间强大但目前尚未完全理解的联系。在本文中,我们通过将传统上几乎没有相互作用的三个研究领域联系起来,开发了这些现象的统一概念模型:(a)气候变化社会脆弱性的决定因素,(b)武装冲突风险的气候驱动因素,以及(c)) 武装冲突的社会影响。在此过程中,我们展示了有多少影响气候变化脆弱性的条件也会增加气候与冲突相互作用的可能性,此外,武装冲突的影响会加剧这些条件。最终结果可能是一个恶性循环,将受影响的社会锁定在暴力、脆弱性和气候变化影响的陷阱中。
