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Land Use and Ecological Change: A 12,000-Year History
Annual Review of Environment and Resources ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-012220-010822
Erle C. Ellis 1

Human use of land has been transforming Earth's ecology for millennia. From hunting and foraging to burning the land to farming to industrial agriculture, increasingly intensive human use of land has reshaped global patterns of biodiversity, ecosystems, landscapes, and climate. This review examines recent evidence from archaeology, paleoecology, environmental history, and model-based reconstructions that reveal a planet largely transformed by land use over more than 10,000 years. Although land use has always sustained human societies, its ecological consequences are diverse and sometimes opposing, both degrading and enriching soils, shrinking wild habitats and shaping novel ones, causing extinctions of some species while propagating and domesticating others, and both emitting and absorbing the greenhouse gases that cause global climate change. By transforming Earth's ecology, land use has literally paved the way for the Anthropocene. Now, a better future depends on land use strategies that can effectively sustain people together with the rest of terrestrial nature on Earth's limited land.


土地利用与生态变化:12000 年的历史

数千年来,人类对土地的使用一直在改变地球的生态。从狩猎和觅食到焚烧土地,再到农业再到工业化农业,人类对土地的日益密集使用已经重塑了全球生物多样性、生态系统、景观和气候模式。这篇综述审查了来自考古学、古生态学、环境历史和基于模型的重建的最新证据,这些证据揭示了一个经过 10,000 多年土地利用而在很大程度上改变的行星。虽然土地利用一直维持着人类社会,但其生态后果是多样的,有时是相反的,既使土壤退化又使土壤肥沃,缩小野生栖息地并塑造新的栖息地,导致某些物种灭绝,同时繁殖和驯化其他物种,排放和吸收温室气体导致全球气候变化的气体。通过改变地球生态,土地利用为人类世铺平了道路。现在,更美好的未来取决于能够在地球有限土地上有效维持人类和其他陆地自然环境的土地利用战略。
