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BRICS amidst India-China Rivalry
Global Policy ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-19 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12977
Raj Verma 1 , Mihaela Papa 2

In only a decade, the BRICS group has achieved policy coordination among five very disparate countries and has started presenting a serious challenge to the status quo in global governance. It is now collaborating on many policy issues and delegating authority to a range of BRICS organizations. Since the inception of BRICS, the protracted India–China rivalry has cast a dark shadow over the group. In the aftermath of the India–China standoff in Ladakh, especially the Galwan Valley clash evoking memories of more serious clashes such as those at Nathu La in 1967 and even the 1962 border war, a crucial axis of BRICS cooperation – the India–China relationship – has deteriorated. This Special Section examines whether the India–China rivalry will render BRICS dysfunctional. Will the BRICS group be broken? The contributors will analyse whether BRICS can be a pacifying force and outline the prospects for the development of BRICS in light of the India–China crisis.



短短十年间,金砖国家在五个截然不同的国家之间实现了政策协调,并开始对全球治理现状提出严峻挑战。它现在在许多政策问题上进行合作,并将权力下放给一系列金砖国家组织。自金砖国家成立以来,印中旷日持久的竞争给金砖集团蒙上了一层阴影。在拉达克的印中对峙之后,尤其是加尔万河谷的冲突让人想起更严重的冲突,例如 1967 年的乃堆拉冲突,甚至是 1962 年的边境战争,这是金砖国家合作的重要轴心——印中关系——恶化了。本专题将探讨印中竞争是否会导致金砖国家功能失调。金砖集团会被打破吗?撰稿人将分析金砖国家能否成为一股安抚力量,并在印中危机的背景下勾勒出金砖国家的发展前景。