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U.S. Withdraws from Afghanistan as the Taliban Take Control
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-15 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2021.50

Nearly twenty years after the U.S. military began operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan, President Joseph R. Biden reported on August 31, 2021, that the last U.S. combat troops had departed the country. Biden announced on April 14, 2021, that the United States would withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan before the twenty-year anniversary of September 11, 2001, and NATO member states decided to depart the country simultaneously. The withdrawal followed an early 2020 deal between the Taliban and the Trump administration, which conditioned the pullout on Taliban agreement not to harbor terrorists that target the United States and its allies. Over the course of a week and a half in mid-August, the Taliban captured most of Afghanistan's provincial capitals, entering Kabul on August 15. The Afghan government collapsed, and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. Through the end of August, the United States and other countries conducted a major airlift operation to evacuate their nationals and Afghans considered at risk of Taliban reprisals, though many were left behind amid risks of renewed civil war and humanitarian crisis.



在美军开始在阿富汗打击塔利班近 20 年后,约瑟夫·R·拜登总统于 2021 年 8 月 31 日报告说,最后一支美国作战部队已经离开该国。拜登于2021年4月14日宣布,美国将在2001年9月11日二十周年之前从阿富汗撤出作战部队,北约成员国决定同时离开阿富汗。此次撤军是在塔利班与特朗普政府于 2020 年初达成的协议之后进行的,该协议的条件是塔利班同意不窝藏针对美国及其盟国的恐怖分子。在 8 月中旬的一个半星期内,塔利班占领了阿富汗大部分省会城市,于 8 月 15 日进入喀布尔。阿富汗政府垮台,和总统阿什拉夫加尼逃离该国。到 8 月底,美国和其他国家进行了一次重大空运行动,以撤离被认为面临塔利班报复风险的本国国民和阿富汗人,尽管许多人因内战和人道主义危机再度爆发的风险而被抛在后面。