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Effects of environmental factors and soil properties on soil organic carbon stock in a natural dry tropical area of Cameroon
Soil ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-11 , DOI: 10.5194/soil-7-677-2021
Désiré Tsozué , Nérine Mabelle Moudjie Noubissie , Estelle Lionelle Tamto Mamdem , Simon Djakba Basga , Dieudonne Lucien Bitom Oyono

Research carried out on soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Cameroon is very rare. The few existing studies are mostly available in reports and concern in most cases carbon stocks in plant biomass. In order to contribute to the documentation on soils in this part of the country, the present work was designed to evaluate the SOCS in the main soil types and the influence of environmental factors and soil properties on these stocks under the natural dry tropical area of the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. The study was undertaken in four sites, including three natural forest reserves (Laf, Zamai, Kosohon) and one national park (Mozogo), located at different latitudes. Three replicates were collected at each site, giving rise to three sampling points chosen per site, from 0 to 75 cm depth, for the determination of SOCS. At each sampling point, soils were sampled using depth increments of 25 cm from the surface. The studied area is covered by Haplic Vertisols, Dystric Arenosols, Dystric Leptosols and Dystric Planosols. Total SOCS (T-SOCS) content, which refers to a depth of 75 cm, decreases with increasing latitude, with 249±26.26 Mg ha−1 in Vertisols at Laf forest reserve most southerly located, 199±8.00 Mg ha−1 in Arenosols at Zamai forest reserve, 166±16.63 Mg ha−1 in Leptosols at Kosohon forest reserve and 161±8.88 Mg ha−1 in Planosols at Mozogo national park most northerly located, regardless of the altitude. No significant correlation was noted between T-SOCS and the altitude. A good correlation was noted between precipitation which decreases with increasing latitude and T-SOCS, indicating the importance of climate in the distribution of T-SOCS in the study area, which directly influences the productivity of the vegetation. More than 60 % of the SOCS was stored below the first 25 cm from the soil surface, a peculiarity of SOCS in drylands. The SOCS in the Sudano-Sahelian area of Cameroon is mainly influenced by climate and vegetation.



对喀麦隆苏丹-萨赫勒地区土壤有机碳储量 (SOCS) 的研究非常罕见。现有的少数研究大多可在报告中获得,并且在大多数情况下植物生物量中的碳储量令人担忧。为了有助于该国该地区土壤的文献记录,本工作旨在评估主要土壤类型中的 SOCS 以及环境因素和土壤特性对自然干燥热带地区下这些种群的影响。喀麦隆苏丹-萨赫勒地区。该研究在四个地点进行,包括位于不同纬度的三个天然森林保护区(Laf、Zamai、Kosohon)和一个国家公园(Mozogo)。在每个地点收集三个重复,每个地点选择三个采样点,从 0 到 75 厘米深度,用于测定 SOCS。在每个采样点,使用距地表 25 厘米的深度增量对土壤进行采样。研究区域包括 Haplic Vertisols、Dystric Arenosols、Dystric Leptosols 和 Dystric Planosols。总 SOCS (T-SOCS) 含量,指 75 cm 的深度,随着纬度的增加而减少,随着位于最南端的 Laf 森林保护区的 Vertisols 为249±26.26  Mg ha -1,Zamai 森林保护区的 Arenosols 为199±8.00  Mg ha -1,Kosohon 森林保护区的 Leptosols 为 166±16.63  Mg ha -1161±8.88  Mg ha -1 −1位于最北端的 Mozogo 国家公园的 Planosols,无论海拔高度如何。在 T-SOCS 和海拔之间没有发现显着的相关性。随纬度增加而减少的降水与T-SOCS之间存在良好的相关性,表明气候在研究区T-SOCS分布中的重要性,直接影响植被的生产力。超过 60% 的 SOCS 储存在距土壤表面前 25 厘米以下,这是旱地 SOCS 的一个特点。喀麦隆苏丹-萨赫勒地区的 SOCS 主要受气候和植被的影响。