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Ethnic Diversity and Students’ Social Adjustment in Dutch Classrooms
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01507-y
Anke Munniksma 1 , Johanna Ziemes 2 , Philipp Jugert 3

Research in the US indicates that classroom diversity is related to better social adjustment of students, but research on this association in European classrooms is limited in scope and yields inconsistent findings. This study examined how classroom ethnic diversity is related to social adjustment of societally dominant versus minoritized ethnic groups, and how an open classroom climate for discussion contributes to this. This was examined in low to moderately diverse Dutch classrooms (2703 secondary school students, from 119 classrooms and schools, Mage = 14, 50% female, 18% foreign-born parents). Results revealed that students from minoritized groups reported lower social adjustment. For all students, classroom ethnic diversity was related to worse social adjustment which was partly explained by classroom socioeconomic status (SES). An open classroom climate for discussion did not moderate the relation between diversity and social adjustment. The findings indicate that students’ social adjustment is worse in ethnically diverse and low-SES classrooms, and an open classroom climate for discussion does not solve this.



美国的研究表明,课堂多样性与学生更好的社会适应有关,但在欧洲课堂上对这种关联的研究范围有限,并且得出的结果不一致。本研究探讨了课堂种族多样性如何与社会主导族群和少数族裔群体的社会适应相关,以及开放的课堂讨论氛围如何促成这一点。这是在低到中等多样化的荷兰教室(2703 名中学生,来自 119 个教室和学校,M年龄 = 14,50% 为女性,18% 为外国出生的父母)。结果显示,少数族裔学生的社会适应能力较低。对于所有学生来说,课堂种族多样性与较差的社会适应有关,部分原因是课堂社会经济地位(SES)。开放的课堂讨论气氛并没有缓和多样性与社会适应之间的关系。研究结果表明,在种族多元化和社会经济地位较低的课堂中,学生的社会适应能力较差,而开放的课堂讨论氛围并不能解决这个问题。
