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Determining the Impact of Migration on Labour Markets: The Mediating Role of Legal Institutions
Industrial Law Journal ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.1093/indlaw/dwab030
Manoj Dias-Abey 1

Critics of migration often claim that migrant workers displace local workers from jobs and apply downward pressure on wages. This article begins from the premise that it is impossible to understand the impact of migrant workers on labour markets without considering the functioning of law. Drawing on a reconstructed version of legal institutionalism, one that attends to the structuring influences of capitalist political economy and racism, this article considers the mediating role played by labour market institutions, such as collective bargaining and the contract of employment. An analysis of the historiography of migration to the UK since 1945 shows that labour market institutions have played a key role in influencing the inflow of migrant workers as well as the method of their incorporation into the labour market. In turn, migrant workers have intensified dynamics in the labour market that legal institutions have helped create, such as labour market segmentation. Migrant workers have also impacted the legal institutions themselves, either by being crucial actors in the creation of new legal institutions or by shaping the operation of existing ones.



移民的批评者经常声称,移民工人取代了当地工人的工作,并对工资施加了下行压力。本文从一个前提出发,即如果不考虑法律的运作,就不可能理解农民工对劳动力市场的影响。本文借鉴法律制度主义的重构版本,关注资本主义政治经济和种族主义的结构性影响,考虑劳动力市场制度所发挥的中介作用,例如集体谈判和雇佣合同。对自 1945 年以来英国移民史的分析表明,劳动力市场制度在影响移民工人的流入以及他们融入劳动力市场的方式方面发挥了关键作用。反过来,移徙工人加强了法律机构帮助创造的劳动力市场的动态,例如劳动力市场分割。移民工人也对法律制度本身产生了影响,无论是通过成为创建新法律制度的关键行为者,还是通过塑造现有法律制度的运作方式。