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Similarity solutions for cylindrical shock wave in rotating non-ideal gas using Lie group theoretic method
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-06 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887821502194
Sumeeta Singh 1

In this paper, the propagation of cylindrical shock wave in rotating non-ideal gas under adiabatic flow condition using Lie group of transformation method is investigated. The density is assumed to be constant and azimuthal fluid velocity is assumed to be varying in the undisturbed medium. The arbitrary constants appearing in the expressions for the infinitesimals of the Local Lie group of transformations bring about two different cases of solutions i.e. with a power-law and exponential-law shock paths. Numerical solutions are obtained for both the cases. Distribution of gasdynamical quantities is illustrated through figures. It is obtained that the reduced flow variables pressure and azimuthal fluid velocity decrease in general, whereas density and radial fluid velocity increase in case of power-law shock path. The reduced azimuthal fluid velocity decreases, whereas reduced density, pressure and radial fluid velocity increase in case of exponential-law shock path. Also, it is obtained that shock strength decreases with increase in value of adiabatic exponent or gas non-idealness parameter, whereas it increases due to increase in ambient azimuthal fluid velocity exponent.


