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The kinship matrix: inferring the kinship structure of a population from its demography
Ecology Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-05 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13854
Christophe F D Coste 1 , François Bienvenu 2, 3, 4, 5 , Victor Ronget 6 , Juan-Pablo Ramirez-Loza 7 , Sarah Cubaynes 7 , Samuel Pavard 6

The familial structure of a population and the relatedness of its individuals are determined by its demography. There is, however, no general method to infer kinship directly from the life cycle of a structured population. Yet, this question is central to fields such as ecology, evolution and conservation, especially in contexts where there is a strong interdependence between familial structure and population dynamics. Here, we give a general formula to compute, from any matrix population model, the expected number of arbitrary kin (sisters, nieces, cousins, etc) of a focal individual ego, structured by the class of ego and of its kin. Central to our approach are classic but little-used tools known as genealogical matrices. Our method can be used to obtain both individual-based and population-wide metrics of kinship, as we illustrate. It also makes it possible to analyse the sensitivity of the kinship structure to the traits implemented in the model.


