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Biota communities influence on nutrients circulation in hyporheic zone—a case study in urban spring niches in Bialystok (NE Poland)
Aquatic Sciences ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s00027-021-00831-6
Elżbieta Jekatierynczuk-Rudczyk 1 , Katarzyna Puczko 1 , Anna Sawicka 1 , Justyna Żukowska 2

Hyporheic zone (HZ) is an interstitial part of groundwater. Complex physical, chemical and biological processes in HZ impact water quality. We hypothesized that groundwater upwelling improves surface water with biogenic compounds in lowland spring niches, and it depends on among others biota communities. The research was conducted in two spring niches in suburbs of Białystok. Interstitial samples were collected with mini-piezometers. In the field, the physical parameters of water were examined, and the micro and macro elements were determined in the laboratory. The analysis of biota included: vascular plants and bryophytes, diatoms, macroinvertebrates and bacteria. The springs studied differed in their richness of organisms, which is associated with varying degrees of abiotic conditions and human transformation. In spring niche with high degree of naturalness were twice less nitrate ions in the surface water than in interstitial water, which indicates the assimilation of nitrate ions by plants growing on the bottom of the niche. Hydrophilic vegetation performs a stabilizing function by assimilating nitrogen compounds and contributing to a variation in nutrients concentration. Groundwater upwelling enrich surface water with DOC and TON. In spring niche No.1 with patches of vegetation, the largest number of macrozoobenthos was recorded. While, the heterogeneous bottom of spring niche No.2 affected the diversity of habitats, and greater biodiversity of benthic fauna. In interstitial waters, there were about twice as few bacteria as in spring waters. Psychrophilic bacteria were present in interstitial waters that influence natural hyporheic processes including circulation of organic matter in the microbiological loop and self-purification of water.



次生带(HZ)是地下水的间隙部分。HZ 中复杂的物理、化学和生物过程会影响水质。我们假设地下水上升流通过低地泉水生态位中的生物化合物改善了地表水,这取决于其他生物群落。该研究是在比亚韦斯托克郊区的两个春季生态位进行的。用微型压力计收集间隙样品。在现场检测水的物理参数,在实验室测定微量元素和宏量元素。生物群分析包括:维管植物和苔藓植物、硅藻、大型无脊椎动物和细菌。所研究的泉水的生物丰富度不同,这与不同程度的非生物条件和人类转变有关。自然度高的春生生态位,地表水中硝酸根离子比间隙水中少两倍,表明生长在生态位底部的植物对硝酸根离子的同化作用。亲水性植被通过同化氮化合物并导致养分浓度变化来发挥稳定作用。地下水上升流使地表水富含 DOC 和 TON。在植被斑驳的1号春季生态位中,大型底栖动物的数量最多。而2号春季生态位底部的异质性影响了栖息地的多样性和底栖动物群的生物多样性。在间隙水中,细菌的数量大约是泉水中的两倍。
