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Seasonal variations and source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol in PM2.5 from a coal mining city in the North China Plain
Energy Exploration & Exploitation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-29 , DOI: 10.1177/01445987211043211
Fanli Xue 1 , Hongya Niu 1 , Sihao Hu 1 , Chunmiao Wu 1 , Chongchong Zhang 1 , Nana Gao 1 , Xiulong Ren 1 , Shujiao Li 1 , Wei Hu 2 , Jinxi Wang 1 , Jingsen Fan 1

Handan is one of the most polluted coal mining cities in the North China Plain (NCP). There is a lack of research on the pollution characteristics and sources of carbonaceous components in PM2.5 in Handan city. Atmospheric PM2.5 samples were collected from Handan City during 2018 and the organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM2.5 were analyzed with a carbon analyzer. The annual average mass concentrations of PM2.5 and total carbon (TC = OC + EC) in Handan were (101.88 ± 79.01) μg/m3 and (28.03 ± 23.28) μg/m3, respectively. The annual average ratio of TC/PM2.5 was (28.29% ± 7.95%), indicating that carbonaceous components made a major contribution to PM2.5. The seasonal variations of OC and EC concentrations in PM2.5 were consistent with PM2.5, which was higher in winter and lower in summer. The annual average OC/EC ratio was (10.33 ± 5.83), and the (OC/EC)min ratio for each season was greater than 2, suggesting that there was probably secondary organic carbon (SOC) formation all around the year. The correlations between OC and EC during spring and winter were much more significant than during summer and autumn, which indicated that the sources of OC and EC in summer and autumn were more complex. Principal component analysis (PCA) displayed that the main sources of carbonaceous components in PM2.5 were coal combustion emission, road dust and vehicle exhaust, which may be related to coal-fired power generation and steelmaking, and coal transportation in Handan city. The potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis demonstrated that PM2.5 and carbonaceous components in Handan city were significantly influenced by both local emissions and regional transport during the observation period.



邯郸是华北平原(NCP)污染最严重的煤矿城市之一。邯郸市PM 2.5中含碳成分的污染特征及来源研究缺乏。2018 年从邯郸市采集大气 PM 2.5样品,用碳分析仪分析PM 2.5中的有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)。邯郸市PM 2.5和总碳(TC = OC + EC)年平均质量浓度分别为(101.88±79.01)μg/m 3和(28.03±23.28)μg/m 3。TC/PM 2.5年均值为 (28.29% ± 7.95%),表明含碳成分对 PM 2.5 的贡献很大。在PM OC和EC浓度的季节变化2.5均符合PM 2.5,这是在冬季较高,夏季降低。年平均 OC/EC 比率为 (10.33 ± 5.83),并且 (OC/EC) min每个季节的比值都大于 2,表明全年都可能有次生有机碳 (SOC) 形成。春冬季OC和EC的相关性远显着高于夏秋季,说明夏秋季OC和EC的来源更为复杂。主成分分析(PCA)显示,PM 2.5中含碳成分的主要来源为燃煤排放、道路扬尘和汽车尾气,可能与邯郸市燃煤发电和炼钢、煤炭运输等有关。潜在源贡献函数 (PSCF) 分析表明 PM 2.5 观测期间,邯郸市的碳质组分受当地排放和区域运输的显着影响。
