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Simultaneous measurement of pole figure and residual stress for polycrystalline thin films: ω–ϕ′ compensated grazing-incidence diffraction in side-inclination mode
Journal of Applied Crystallography ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-29 , DOI: 10.1107/s1600576721008335
Xiaodong Wang

A new grazing-incidence diffraction (GID) measurement geometry between in plane and out of plane is proposed. It is improved from the previous ω–ϕ compensated GID in side-inclination mode for measurement of residual stress in polycrystalline thin films [Wang & van Riessen (2017). Powder Diffr.32, S9–S15]. Instead of keeping a constant azimuthal direction of the incident beam on the thin film sample, the current proposed variation maintains a constant azimuthal direction of the scattering vector projection on the thin film sample. The variation is named `ω–ϕ′ compensated GID in side-inclination mode' and enables d-spacing measurements along the same azimuthal direction. An Excel spreadsheet is included for readers to plan the measurement and to calculate the residual stress for the planned sample azimuthal direction. Anisotropic residual stresses of a polycrystalline NiFe thin film on an Si 001 substrate are measured by combining this method with phi rotations. Highly automated data analysis templates are developed using DIFFRAC.TOPAS v7 launch mode to calculate residual stress for all planned azimuthal directions sequentially. A pole figure file in simple text format is also generated from the same data set using DIFFRAC.TOPAS v7 launch mode, and can be directly imported into DIFFRAC.TEXTURE v4.1 for further texture analysis. Corrections for the incident-beam refraction have been implemented in both data analysis models.



提出了一种新的平面内和平面外之间的掠入射衍射 (GID) 测量几何结构。它是从以前的 ω–ϕ 补偿 GID 在侧倾模式下改进的,用于测量多晶薄膜中的残余应力 [Wang & van Riessen (2017)。粉末差异 32,S9-S15]。当前提出的变化不是在薄膜样品上保持入射光束的恒定方位角方向,而是在薄膜样品上保持散射矢量投影的恒定方位角方向。这种变化被命名为“侧倾模式下的ω-φ'补偿GID”,并能够沿相同的方位角方向进行d间距测量。一个Excel包括电子表格供读者计划测量并计算计划样品方位角方向的残余应力。通过将这种方法与 phi 旋转相结合,可以测量 Si 001 衬底上多晶 NiFe 薄膜的各向异性残余应力。高度自动化的数据分析模板是使用DIFFRAC.TOPAS v7发射模式开发的,可按顺序计算所有计划方位角方向的残余应力。同样使用DIFFRAC.TOPAS v7启动模式从同一数据集生成简单文本格式的极图文件,可以直接导入DIFFRAC.TEXTURE v4.1进行进一步的纹理分析。两种数据分析模型都已对入射光束折射进行了校正。