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Un/recognisable and dis/empowering images of disability: a collective textual analysis of media representations of intellectual disabilities
Critical Studies in Media Communication ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2021.1979239
Susan Vertoont 1 , Tina Goethals 2 , Frederik Dhaenens 1 , Patrick Schelfhout 3 , Tess Van Deynse 1 , Gabria Vermeir 1 , Maud Ysebaert 1


This paper introduces a framework of five consecutive but potentially intersecting tropes of representation of intellectual disabilities. The framework was developed in a post-qualitative manner by a researcher collective of people labeled with and without intellectual disabilities. As many existing disability media analyses have been reproached for being un-nuanced, elitist and reductionist, our approach and framework offer a more layered, ambivalent and complex interpretation of media representations of intellectual disabilities. More specifically, we unpack representations that (1) patronize people with disabilities, (2) consolidate, (3) deconstruct and (4) reconstruct the hegemonic order on dis/ability and (5) impose an ableist normalcy. Although the framework was developed by means of a collective textual analysis of a specific case, i.e. Tytgat Chocolat, a Flemish television series on people with intellectual disabilities, we argue that it also serves as a valuable starting point for further analysis of media texts on (intellectual) disabilities.




本文介绍了一个由五个连续但可能相互交叉的智障表现比喻的框架。该框架是由一个由智障人士和非智障人士组成的研究小组以定性后的方式开发的。由于许多现有的残疾媒体分析被指责为不细致、精英主义和简化主义,我们的方法和框架为智力残疾的媒体表现提供了更加分层、矛盾和复杂的解释。更具体地说,我们拆解了(1)光顾残疾人,(2)巩固,(3)解构和(4)重建关于残疾/能力的霸权秩序和(5)强加有能力的常态的表征。尽管该框架是通过对特定案例的集体文本分析而开发的,即Tytgat Chocolat是一部关于智障人士的佛兰德电视连续剧,我们认为它也是进一步分析(智障)媒体文本的宝贵起点。
